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Deb Millar

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Everything posted by Deb Millar

  1. Sorry to miss it, but Bob and I will be paddling in 70+ degree water way south of here (Georgia, but not THAT south Georgia)..... We'll think of you as we cavort minus drysuits, mukluks and neoprene hoods. Paddle when we get back. Deb M
  2. If you're willing to drive up to Maine, Tom Bergh at MIKCO is the man you should talk to about a boat that's proper for you. Right now he has a number of kayaks on sale. His site is: www.maineislandkayak.com. You can see what he has on sale and contact him by email. Peaks Island is only 15 minutes by ferry from Portland and it's a pretty ride. Tom is one of the best. Deb M
  3. I've carried Bob's boat. He forgot the microwave and the mini-refrigerator. Deb M.
  4. Hey Gillian, I won't mention the goat if you don't.... Deb M
  5. I'm looking at a boat with the very vague and very wrong ("YOU DO NOT NEED ANOTHER BOAT") idea of possibly adding it to the collection in our too-small basement. It's an older model (10+ years), overpriced for the condition, and has spider cracking in the gel coat. If I were to prove that I am, indeed, crazier than I appear to be and make an offer, how serious and lengthy (not to mention how many dollars involved) would repair to said gel coat be? This is something I would not do myself, as carpentry (beyond cutting up minicell and glueing it in place)and chemical fumes just don't do a whole lot for me. I'm not sure of the condition of the rest of it, those little things like leaking hatches, leaking bulkheads, rotted skeg lines etc which appear to be non-existant (and will appear should the boat come home and the check has cleared the bank....), but whose existance I'd try to assess before making any crazy decisions. Deb M
  6. Not to add any fuel to the fire (or sauce for meatball hurling), but we often show up for SNGs without posting publicly and sometimes without any private response to the "instigator". I don't know how many others do this, but I do know, having been pleasantly surprised by some of our fellow unexpected attendees, that we aren't the only ones. While I understand one's frustration at driving a distance only to find no one there to paddle with -- and one's hesitation at paddling by one's self (my motto is: "go to sea in groups of three" btw (although I frequently make do in a group of two), but then I'm known for my slavish devotion to the tenets of the BCU (let's not go there.)and am not prone to see the wonders of solo paddling (let's not go there, either. I don't, other's might and it's a personal choice...) -- a SnG is just that: you show, you go or you might not, depending on your comfort level or if you have any partners to paddle with. I don't hold the "instigator" responsible if the trip falls through as that seems to be against the whole theory of SNG. Perhaps the best system is to either post publically or privately to the organizer for communication purposes, which Kevin has been requesting people do, and if you don't, then you take your chances as to anyone being there at the launch site -- no blame attached to anyone. I also feel that he is doing "the right thing" by posting trip levels as defined by NSPN. This is only fair to both those paddling and those deciding whether or not they are up for the potential conditions, which, as we all know, can change and often do. Gas can put away, sauce put back in the Barilla jar.... Deb M
  7. Knives? Bob and I don't need no stinkin' knives. He carries the chainsaw and I carry the gasoline. That way we can cut down trees, build a bonfire and cure our hypothermia -- and summon the Coast Guard at the same time. How convenient. Deb M
  8. In order to keep your head safe, a bike helmet isn't going to do the trick. Good kayaking shops sell helmets and can advise you. We started out with basic plastic helmets which were good enough for beginning surf and rock gardens. We've since upgraded and, actually, our helmets are for sale. I'll be posting this info in the Classified area some time tonight. Deb M
  9. She's beautiful -- such puppy innocence -- and beautiful boat, too. Would that be the Mr. Beckwith's new Explorer? Deb
  10. We have a Canon Powershot A510, which has very nice video capabilities, especially for all those great pool rolling (or not rolling) shots. The camera itself isn't waterproof, but you can buy a Canon housing for it which works very well. A friend of ours has one and took pictures last week during a rough water rescue class we were in and the action was "frozen" very nicely -- including the water shooting out of our pumps. Deb M
  11. Bob and I paddled with Jim 4 years ago and I can't say enough good things about him and his guides/instructors (all ICU/BCU), the accommadations (we stayed at Maria's Guest House -- very funky and very fun -- which is owned by him and his partner) and the whole Cork/West Cork area. Deb M
  12. Hi Joe, If you're heading to RI, Carl Ladd at Osprey Sea Kayak in Westport, MA does really nice work. Check their website www.ospreyseakayak.com for more info. Deb M
  13. How timely! I've just finished re-reading "The Devil's Teeth" by Susan Casey, which is about Great Whites (and those that study and love them)off the Farrallon Islands in N. California. Ten years ago a large Great White ("The Landlord" as it's known in surfer-ese) female drowned in a net and was brought in to Beverly for a necropsy. Their size is amazing -- as long as my Explorer LV (and longer), but up to eight feet wide and six feet deep. They are warm blooded and can live quite comfortably in our waters. Makes the Mako, Blue and Spiny Dogfish -- not to mention more than a few kayaks -- look like a toy.
  14. Hi Carl, Bob and I would like to join you. Where is the put-in? We're pretty familiar with Portsmouth but have never paddled there. Deb M (Pink NDK Explorer LV) Bob C (Blue Tempest 165)
  15. I use a Sur-Formfor shaping as it's fast, and an old butcher knife to cut the foam with.
  16. You know those little teeny-weeny flying gnats that swarm around your head and want to explore its orifices? That, no matter how much you wave your arms around, mutter naughty words and spray OFF!! persist in plagueing you from roughly 6PM until dark? Those are midgies! And they're here from the first warm evenings in June until, well, at least September- 24/7. I hear, though, that that they're far worse in Scotland.
  17. I'm not overly fond of greenheads but, hey, they're around for a roughly a full moon cycle and they're sluggish enough that you can swat 'em. Because they're attracted to dark colors, I wear as much white as possible while on the water and I have a light-colored boat. They do seem, however,to like those black paddles. It's the midgies that seem to last forever....
  18. What time? We plan on being there Deb & Bob
  19. Hey Peter -- Is this the famous/infamous "Rip"? Looking forward to being there tomorrow, but I may bring my little boat... Deb M
  20. Bob and I are paddling out of Conomo around 11 tomorrow. If you'd like to join us, you're more than welcome. Nothing fancy, maybe a little surfing safari (such as it is) on Crane's. Deb M
  21. Hi Kevin, Bob and I are interested and vote for Conomo or GHS. Bob's drysuit will be pack from repair Sunday, so is a wet suit and semi-dry top okay? Deb & Bob You know our boats
  22. Hi Brian, Bob and I would like to attend the Sunday session. I'd be bringing the Explorer LV aka Pinky to foam up the bulkhead and put in a pump etc holder. I might also be brining the Vela, which needs the seat put back in its proper place and generally foamed out. If I don't bring the Vela, then Bob will bring his Tempest165 for pretty much the same stuff I need to do on The Pinkster. We will bring our own minicell, butcher knives and Surform. Deb Millar Bob Clarke
  23. Hi Kevin, Bob has a FG Tempest 165. We'll be in the pool in Ipswich next Saturday if you friend will be there and would like to try the composite version. Dee is right in that there is difference in the cockpits between the 165 and 170 -- the 170 is too big for Bob (5'9"/150), who fits comfortably in my Explorer LV and Vela. Bob loves his and I rather like it too. I know a few people who have the plastic version and they give it high marks. Deb
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