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Barbara Ryan

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Everything posted by Barbara Ryan

  1. This is a GREAT Story! He sure has some admirable intentions and I've gotta admire his chutzpah if not his grasp on reality. Apparently he has no one to keep an eye on him- or, they have given up and say the Serenity prayer a lot.
  2. I so appreciate all of your recommendations and I definitely will try some helmets on to see what feels best! Meanwhile I found an old Pro Tec helmet in our basement that my son had from ww paddling years ago. Cleaned and pads reglued, I'll bring and wear it tomorrow. Looking forward to meeting those of you who will be there tomorrow and maybe hearing Joe's tale of how his helmet saved his life.
  3. Your suggestions are very helpful! Thanks friends!
  4. Hi Friends! Looking for a comfy paddling helmet- hopefully reasonably priced. Your favs and suggestions for where to purchase? Thanks so much.
  5. Thanks so much for your terrific, tried and true instructions Dan. With them and your and Paul's encouragement my boats are now done too! I will do the water test this week to be sure. I did spend many hours trying to remove as best I can the mess of silicone from previous sealing attempts that was really all over the place. THAT was truly the hardest part and from what I've learned I'll never ever use silicone to seal anything again if it may need to be re-sealed in the future since nothing sticks to silicone including silicone. Never knew this! Have a GREAT paddling adventure this week and hope to meet up with you sometime soon on the water!
  6. Time to properly reseal the bulkheads on my plastic Tempest. Does anyone know who does such repairs? I will check the kayak shops but wondering if anyone in our group has had experience and can offer recommendations. Thanks!
  7. Terrific, detailed account of our fun and (for me) thrilling adventure. I'm a better paddler for having paddled with you and new paddling buddies. Thanks Joe!
  8. My first time paddling with the NSPN, Joe, Sue, Ben, Joyce and Jody and this was my VERY FAVORITE "GENUINE OCEAN PADDLING" EVER!! I'll be looking forward to joining you again asap! Thanks for the great planning Joe and for being such an excellent and patient mentor and coach! I went to sleep last night thinking, "just keep paddling- all will be well".
  9. WONDERFUL photos and I'm so sorry I missed the paddle last night. I thought of you- looking at the stars around 10- thinking that the moon would be rising soon for you, but that you were able to enjoy the stars before hand. Any phosphorescence? Hoping for an August Full Moon paddle with you. I teach, so, I'm free weeknights- that week, but will go whenever the "ringleaders" of this event are able. Crayolabarb
  10. Sorry, I"m going to need to bow out of this one, too late for an early Sun morn commitment. I'll check back for August- earlier moonrise Aug. 24-27. Have fun everyone! Crayolabarb
  11. Thanks for the reassurance Pintail. It sounds like it's going to be an AWESOME night! I actually went with a small group of colleagues out on the Sudbury River on Mon. night, the Full Moon and it was so beautiful! I could not help but think how beautiful it would be over the ocean! The weather is forecast to be spectacular! I have the necessary equip. Are we bringing anything to eat or drink- beside water? Sharing snacks? (chips and cookies etc.?) So sad about the non-swimmer who apparently was caught by a "rogue wave" last night at Good Harbor and perished. Of all places- hard to believe. By the way, does anyone else planning to come hail from the SUDBURY/Metrowest area? Looking forward to meeting some NSPs! Crayolabarb
  12. Hi Everyone, I haven't paddled with you yet but have paddled some with the South Shore Wild Turkeys- and especially love Cape Ann. But, haven't a lot of endurance- yet. Are "newbies" invited? And I'm wondering what the plan is- a gentle, enjoy the moonlight paddle, or something more strenuous? Thanks! Barbara
  13. Hey- I've been looking for paddling partners too! I live in Sudbury and have been trying to paddle with the South Shore "Wild Turkeys", but the 2 hr drive down in 128 crawling traffic has been a killer. I'd love to be included in any skills session on White's pond or Walden- and hopefully future paddles. I haven't "rolled" yet but have been practicing the "holding onto a partner's bow, going down and hip snapping back up. Where can you put-in on White's pond and then park? Sounds great! Hope to see you there soon!! Barbara
  14. Hello! We haven't paddled with you before but if tomorrow looks good from here we'd like to join you- husband Tom and I, and MP sounds good to me! Hope to see you. Crayolabarb
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