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Everything posted by prudenceb

  1. I am happy to step in to arrange when I return from my trip third week of September.
  2. Always fun to be in new places. Thanks for finding/organizing, Joe!
  3. Trip is now full! Anyone else pls PM me for waiting list.
  4. Weather forecast is nice for Wednesday. High tide is 12:25, meaning no muck at launch coming or going! Let's meet by 9:15 for 10:00 am Launch. Reservations for parking https://newhampshirestateparks.reserveamerica.com/welcome.do?tti=Home. Most likely heading down to Rye Harbor. Other options can be considered when we all gather. The usual WLP requirements apply…sprayskirts, boats with bulkheads and decklines. Dress for immersion. If it's a nice day and folks want, we could practice rescues along the way. Opportunities for rock play and some surfing. Helmets required for either of those. Please post intention to join on this thread. We'll do float plan sign-up at launch. If I haven't paddled with you before, please send PM telling me a bit about your experience.
  5. Thank you for writing this, Rob. My sentiments exactly.
  6. I will organize next week 8/16. Have family in town this week so no paddling for me ?.
  7. Use your Cetus to go camping! That's why you have it!
  8. Have you reached out to Michael at former Newbury to see if he'll still do it? Would be good to know for sure one way or the other!
  9. Never put 'em on the calendar, just on trips forum. If it helps folks who only check calendar, I'll do that going forward if I'm filling in ?.
  10. Hey, waddya mean WLP's are resuming?! They never stopped…except when weather interfered!
  11. If anyone down in MA area interested in Barb's paddle, I could possibly pick it up in Maine week after upcoming and bring back here to hand over at an NSPN event!
  12. The longer distance group made it to Wood Island, some got a tour to the top of the tower, all paddled with purpose on the way back with ominous clouds forming and isolated t-storm cells an hour away, all got a nice rinsing shower as we turned into the harbor, and some were gnawed on by greenheads as we retrieved cars and loaded boats. All in all, a very nice day! (Except for the flies!…and the 2+ hr drive home…) Prudence
  13. I'm interested unless the usual Wednesday Lunch Paddle resumes that day. Would want to go farther than Braveboat. We had wondeful trip to Wood I from York this week. Easy peasy.
  14. Yes, there's room. I responded to your PM. See you tmrw.
  15. We have 7 interested/saying they're joining thus far. We will be limited to 9 participants. So two spots open. If you've indicated interest but find you can't join, please let me know. Once we're at limit I'll keep a waiting list. Prudence
  16. Please join me for a longish (12ish+ nm) but definitely leisurely THURSDAY lunch paddle. Weather forecast looks very promising (for a change!)…sunny, warm and little wind. (Going on Thursday rather than Wed will hopefully spare us post-July 4th traffic…). Be at York Harbor (Harris Island Road drop-off spot…with parking after dropoff on Lilac Lane a short distance away) at 9 AM with launch at 9:30-9:45 or so. We'll go south along along the coast to Fort Foster or Wood Island. Some rock play (bring helmet!) for those who care to partake along the way. Please post intention to join on this thread and we'll do an old-fashioned pen and ink float plan at the launch spot. Looking forward to being on blue water under sunny blue skies and shaking off this miserable stretch of weather with whoever can join!) (And now here's the usual WLP boilerplate… WLP trips are flexible and tailored to meet the interests and abilities of the group participants. If I've not yet paddled with you, please PM me before signing up. To join the trip you must be a paid-up NSPN member, and have signed the club participant waiver for this year. Trip level: WLPs do not have a specific level. All properly equipped members are welcome: please bring boats with rigged deck lines, bulkheads, spray skirts, and dress for immersion. NOTE: The Wednesday Lunch Paddles are cooperative adventures, not guided trips. We encourage paddlers to make their own independent decision about their comfort level with conditions and plans at the time of the paddle. Each participant is responsible for her/his own safety. Don’t assume the trip initiators are smarter, stronger, better at rough water, more attractive, or more skilled paddlers than you are. For more information, see this description of our trip philosophy from the NSPN web site.) Prudence
  17. prudenceb

    WLP 6/28

    I had hoped to post WLP's in Joe's absence, but the weather gods are not cooperating - at least this week. Forecast is for wind and scattered showers and t-storms this Wednesday. If there's a marked change in forecast over next 24 hrs, I'll reconsider, but for now, I'm not going to post one. Of course anyone else is welcome to. I'm hoping to post for July 5… Prudence
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