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  1. Man, some of the replies here infer some serious ignorance. The Coast Guard is not the savior of last resort for people who want to push the envelope just to get their kicks. just look at these remarks- "We each accept the risk we're willing to accept, and, God forbid and say a Hail Mary, there are those of us yet who may ride the line into the sky . . ." "You paddle? You risk taker!!! Life is safer when you stay home all day and watch TV. Best adventures are on TV. I love working my fingers on the remote. ;)" How do you think these comments sound to the families of the rescuers? Such bravado is just peachy as long as no one dies trying to save people who didn't have the sense not take unwarranted risk or didn't possess the guts to live with their poor judgement and accept the consequences without endangering others. A friend of mine lost his best friend in small avalanche while on a rescue mission on Mt. Washington trying to save three climbers (all survived) that foolishly decided they could handle the coming weather conditions. My friend was crushed and the dead man's family and friends will never have this young man back because of the poor judgement of others. If they ever find themselves in a jam of their own making will the authors of the two comments quoted above have the bravery to either find their own way out or die rather risk soemone else's life trying to save them simply because they couldn't stand to "stay at home all day and watch TV?"
  2. While your gear would lead me to believe you were experienced paddlers, your decision to go in such conditions does not. What were you guys thinking? Certainly, I am glad you survived unscathed and I'm sorry about the possible loss of your boats - that has to hurt. But unless you forced to go kayaking for some unexplained reason, I am baffled about what type of responsible paddler would decide to go out in fairly dangerous conditions, knowing that an accident could result in his death or the injury or death of people forced to go and rescue you.
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