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Posts posted by Lbeale

  1. Thanks to everyone for the wealth of information, food, and company----a helpful concept was to get my face wet with the water I will be paddling in before I launch--then I will know to some extent what to expect if I become fully submerged--and, if I do go in, try to stay bunched up as much as possible not to lose too much body heat. Les

  2. I agree with others on Route 3--but it all depends on the time of day-driving in rush hour on Route 3 is enough reason to commit hari kari-having grown up on the South Shore, I have developed the local Bostonian talent for backstreet shortcuts. I know some back routes that are faster or at least feel faster b/c less traffic and lights--but I have to either show you in person or show you on a map--not enough time for tomorrow, but I will show you later a sweet short cut through Hingham backroads--promise--les

  3. Thank you, thank you to everyone who helped me today--Suzanne for organizing the event and the delicious soup, Dan for the forward stroke, sculling, and bracing lessons--Turner for his patience and sense of humor--Jed for helping me not to drown while I learnt the hand roll--and those who let me use their boats and equipment--man, that static brace can be so relaxing it almost put me to sleep--I understand why Greenlanders when paddling use it to rest--les

  4. Like Carl, I would love to do all or some of this trip--but I am not a level 5--is there a method to have different stages or accommodations on this trip for lower level paddlers?there might be other club members like myself at a solid level 3 who wouldn't want to hold others back; at the same time, would be open to some of the challenges of this trip-- les

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