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Next moonlight trip...


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...is on the calender for Friday, 31st August, so please start planning ahead for this, you intrepid crowd!

It is <likely> to be from Lanes Cove, as usual, although this is flexible, as will be the itinerary. It will be a mellow level 2 trip, most probably, although there will be exposure to open ocean (the Atlantic looms out there in the dark!) The entire area around the Annisquam mouth, Coffins and Cranes beaches are perfect for night-time activities -- sandy beaches, plenty spots for hauling out with shelter (unless there is a howling nor'easter blowing).

So, think about hauling and howling at the full moon. Post here if interested. Assembly time will be 1830 for a 1900 launch -- how's this for a less-laid-back attitude? There will be a beach briefing.

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I'm planning on joining you too. Katherine, assembly time is 6:30 for 7:00 pm launch, FYI, hope you won't have to pass.

On a different note, I worked my way through the maze to pay my dues, but last post still said unpaid, how does that get fixed?


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Thanks Marcia ~ looks like I won't be able to make it. If you are still showing up "unpaid' post in the general message forum and i am sure the problem will be rectified.

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Liz did ask me, the other day, to postpone this trip until Saturday; but the last time I did that, the trip folded because of mass confusion and discombobulation -- <is> there a general preference for Saturday? (Oy, vey)

Katherine, stop being pathetic -- military time, indeed! Well, yes: the military do tell time this way; but so do railways and airlines throughout Europe and the rest of the world -- so enough insularity (and provinciality)! Grrr ;^)

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So, shall I call it Euro time???

I have already made plans for Saturday evening...

Perhaps the next moonlight paddle could be on a Saturday???

Enjoy all, looks like lovely weather,

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It IS called "Military Time". Christopher is trying to make me more of a cosmopolitan woman instead of 2nd generation, Boston born and bred woman :-)

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In the US, the 24-hour clock is generally referred to as "military time."

Please stick to Friday this time! I've been planning it since missing the last one, and can't make Saturday this weekend. It's probably a good idea to vary them now and then from Fri to Sat, but it's probably also best to stick with the plan this close. The September event seems far enough out to switch if you wanted.

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Yes, yes -- alright, Joyce! I get the message: Friday it is, then. Sorry, Miz Liz.

It (the use of 24-hours in telling time) may very-well be called "Military Time" here; but I am merely trying to point out that in the rest of the known world it is quite commonly used as a regular clock (in aviation, for one example; train timetables, for another). I shall continue such usage -- so forgive me in advance! ;^)

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So, shall I call it Euro time???

I have already made plans for Saturday evening...

Perhaps the next moonlight paddle could be on a Saturday???

Enjoy all, looks like lovely weather,

Whenever you want integer numbers to wrap around upon reaching a certain value (called the modulus), you call the resulting arithmetic modular arithmetic. A clock is a good example. Since there are 24 hours in a day, the natural modulus for a clock is 24. However, it is common to have 12-hour clocks in which the day is divided into two 12-hour periods; i.e. the clock numbers wrap around every 12-hours. So, if it is 9:00 now and we want to meet in 5-hours the time to meet is not 14:00, it’s 2:00 because of the wraparound. The disadvantage of 12-hour clocks is that we have to label each 12-hour period either am or pm. Yup, the military prefers the modulus to be 24 for its simplicity; however, so do a lot of other organizations because of its simplicity.

Uh-oh, I hope I didn’t cause this thread to end with another of my controversial posts. If I did, sorry dear Katherine.

CAM-able Leon

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