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Some questions about put-ins.

Is Tucks Pt available for 1-3 respectful people parking in the rear on a summer weekday?

Still no long-term parking in Manchester-By-The Sea except the few spots in the middle of parking lot on the right (just after downtown when headed to the beach)? Are the Boy Scouts still charging for the train parking lot on weekends?

Am I correct that you can launch at Lane's cove at low tide without much a of carry from the boat ramp on the right?

What it the launch at Glouchester HS (on the Anisquam) like during low tide?

Am I correct that you can launch at Conomo Pt at low tide (of course much of Essex Bay is a playing field then)?



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Hi Al,

I don't know about parking at a few of the put ins you've mentioned, but I do know that Conomo Pt is now strictly enforcing non-resident parking restrictions.

You can unload boats and gear at the put-in, but you can no longer park across the street from the launch at Clammer's Beach. However, the town has kindly made a strip off the road where you can park. It's on the right as you approach the beach and is clearly marked with green signs stating that non-resident parking starts at Point A and ends at Point B. There's room for maybe 10 cars, less if you have an SUV or truck, but it's also a bit of a hike from the launch.

I DO NOT suggest even trying to park where it was legal for years. The police are very aggressive about ticketing and I have a feeling that the residents have no qualms about calling them should a non-stickered vehicle appear in "their" area. I also don't know how much a ticket would be (the old "Well, I'll live with a fine if I can park and chalk it up to a parking fee") but, given that Essex isn't exactly Manchester-by-the-Sea and needs all the revenue it can get, I doubt it's cheap.

While I'm as annoyed as anyone about this change, which started last summer, I also can see the residents' POV. I've lived in coastal towns with public beaches most of my life and there is nothing more annoying than getting to the beach parking lot or the put-in's and finding it full of cars with out-of-town stickers or no stickers at all. Town or City (I live in Gloucester and have a beach sticker) residents not only pay taxes to support the beaches but they also shell out for a beach sticker to access those same beaches every year. As a policeman friend of ours once said: "The town or city can't necessarily control access to beaches from the water but they sure as heck can post parking regulations to control that access."' Which they do.

So, if you don't mind a walk from your car back to your boat for launching, Conomo works fine. Low tide is pretty mucky and annoyingly so, depending on the tide cycle, but you can get the boat out....it just isn't much fun.

And it's Green Head season. The little buggers are probably here for another two weeks or less, but they're here in all their vicious, biting glory.

As for Lanesville: It's highly accessible at low tide and less muddy, too. There are, to my knowledge, no parking restrictions but being considerate of the residents is always appreciated.

Hope this helps.


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Has anyone been ticketed at stinky beach Manchester?

Yes, several of us the same day.
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Is Tucks Pt available for 1-3 respectful people parking in the rear on a summer weekday?

Last time we went we were not molested. It was off season but during the worst rumors we have been there and never been molested. Roger and I are in someone's wedding photos, by request.

Am I correct that you can launch at Lane's cove at low tide without much a of carry from the boat ramp on the right?

You can drive down the ramp and drop your boat at the beach/water's edge and park.

Am I correct that you can launch at Conomo Pt at low tide (of course much of Essex Bay is a playing field then)?

I never plan to launch from or return to Conomo Pt at or near low tide, it has never been possible. However we regularly land at the end and walk back to our cars. Note what has been said elsewhere about parking, ticketing, etc.

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Thanks for the responses everyone.

Conomo: I am lucky enough to have a neighbor who has a "house" at Conomo, so I can park in his back yard. Just never tried to launch or recover at low tide. Bob, when you say "land at the end" do you mean at the "beach/dock" on the side facing Cranes Beach?

Manchester: How much was the ticket at Manchester?



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To be specific the put-in that is always wet is the beach that faces Cross Island at the end of Conomo Pt (Road). There is a ramp that allows you to drive onto the beach to pick up your boats. There are houses immediately across the road from the beach. If someone were to park on the road there they should be towed, or worse.

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To be specific the put-in that is always wet is the beach that faces Cross Island at the end of Conomo Pt (Road). There is a ramp that allows you to drive onto the beach to pick up your boats. There are houses immediately across the road from the beach. If someone were to park on the road there they should be towed, or worse.

Particularly from Winchester (where we are from). At one point, so many Winchester residents had a place on CP that it was called Little WInchester by some. It may even be that the fool who angered the townies from Essex saying they could not use the beach on CP was from my beloved little town. My guess is that my car with a Winchester Transfer Station decal might be firebombed.

Seriously though, while I would not park in the wrong place, I have found the present residents to be courteous when you do something wrong or ask a question. They let you know about parking as they should and are helpful otherwise.


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