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Our inspiration gets noticed.

Paul Sylvester

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On page six of the new Sea Kayaker mag. (Feb.) NSPN's own Bob Burnett (the founder of NSPN) has been recognized by the magazine and now is a member of Team Sea Kayaker. Sounds like travel perks and fun to me.

Congratulations Bob!

Anyone that is in his area should look him up as Bob one of the best on the water.Those looking to step up their skills will not find a better teacher and coach.

All the best Bob.

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Very cool. I wrote to Bob recently because I will be in Vancouver for a conference, June 2-8, 2013 and want go out before or after to do a trip. Anyone interested in joining in should let me know. Canada requires guides to be licensed by them (Bob is not), so the San Juan Islands is the most likely location. Liz

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