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Lake Winnipesaukee (10/16/11)


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Six of us launched from Weirs Beach, meandering between a number of islands, stopping at the outer most one before you only had open water (The Broads) for paddling turf to continue in that direction. The day was cloudy, blustery and a bit cool. It sure felt like one of the shoulder weather days that separates fall from winter. The little beach, string of rocks that connects two private islands was a little more under water this year compared to last year requiring some creativity to secure boats and find a seat to eat from. Most of us found we had to at least keep the feet in the water. On the return run we had a couple of crossings that produced wind waves that were big enough to make their way onto the decks on occasion. Every now and then the sun would find a hole in the clouds to give a some dramatic lighting and a little burst of warmth. After the paddle several of us followed Doug to his beloved Dairy Queen for a soft swirl so we could all believe summer was still on.

Pictures --- https://picasaweb.google.com/111328304688886244913/WinnipesaukeeLakePaddle101611


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Some more pics of the day below.

The lighting, or lack of it made crisp shots hard to come by. A decent paddle that would have been better with a blue sky.

The first "dry suit" day of the season is always difficult to accept but this paddler was happy to have followed the majority by dawning his.

As always a great group of friends made the 13.5 miles fly by.



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Paddling With the Volcanoes

If you have ever paddled on Winnipesaukee Lake you have actually paddled under an ancient volcano as the Ossipee Range that is the closet range on the north side of the lake and visually seen from most parts of the lake is an old ring dike volcano and it is showing in the pictures posted by all three of us.


The other lake that a number of us have probably paddled on that is also next to an ancient volcano it Pawtuckaway Lake in the Raymond -Nottingham N.H. area and a satellite image of that area (Google Earth) will also show a perfect ring shape made by the remnants of that volcano.


"Got my paddle a running"

More useless trivia for the next edition of Kayak Jeopardy :emweather12:


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