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SQUAM LAKE Paddle this Saturday 6/11


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"On Golden Pond"

When: this Saturday at 11AM

Water is warm up there. Dry suits NOT needed.

PROPOSED ROUTE: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=4565353

I would like to get at least a handful of paddlers to join so either contact me by personal message or post your interest below.

Here are some pics of a NE Seacoast Paddler trip to Squam in Oct of 2009. Conditions should be similar.


Directions: * Take Rt I-93 North from Manchester/Conford NH * Take exit 24 for US-3/NH-25 toward Holderness/Ashland 0.2 mi * Turn right at Main St/NH-25/US-3 * Continue to follow NH-25/US-3 * Squam Lakes Association is on left

Google Maps link below will get you in the Vicinity. Look for Squam Lakes Association at Pipers Cove on the Map

http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Pipers+Cove,+Holderness,+New+Hampshire&sll=43.730918,-71.566315&sspn=0.075417,0.110893&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Pipers+Cove&z=14]Google Maps directions to Squam Lake Association and Boat Launch


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Don't have a full handle on my weekend yet, but for now I'm a go. Shoulder has been pain free and looks to be good to go for distances as I've been working in some miles on it.

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Will try to make it, but depends upon whether workmen finish early enough for me to get over to Squam in time.

Ed lawson

If you come late I will monitor ch 72 in case we alter our course.
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Me a luddite didn't recognize link. Never looked..oh..that makes me stupid as well. Sigh.

Ed Lawson

I don't know anybody that can call you a luddite or stupid far from it. We all miss things.


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It looks like we have 5 paddlers so far. This trip is "ON" for tomorrow.

Ed, my icom radio body cracked while tostling around in my front hatch while surfing last Tuesday night. Radio swelled up and is good for the trashman now. Call me on my cell if your running late.

To everyone else, word of advice. If your not wearing your radio, be sure it is well protected while stored. They are not as indestructable as I once thought.

See you at Piper Cove. Launch no later than 11:30am

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my icom radio body cracked while tostling around in my front hatch while surfing

That must have been some surf session. Sad story about radio. Bummer. Not sure which one you have, but consumer VHF marine handhelds might be MIL-SPEC for somethings, but in the end most are not built for commercial/military duty. As in taking physical abuse in stride. Still, hard to imagine getting banged around in a hatch would break a case. I'd almost expect it to break the hull before it would break.

I will either be there on time or I won't be there at all the way things are shaping up this afternoon.

Ed Lawson

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