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Tucks to White Beach 5/8


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This was a nice paddle for 11 NSPNers. Wind, waves, rollers, sun clouds and a couple new paddlers experiencing a challenging L3+ trip for the first time. No miss-haps and lots of laughs.

Open attachment to view some pics from my camera that was acting up.

Thanks Scott K for the use of your Cetus.

Thanks Gene for posting this trip. The de-briefing after the paddle was a nice touch that Lorri suggested.



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Gene thank you for initiating a great trip. This was my first NSPN trip and it was most definitely a 4G Network trip; great location, great weather/conditions, great paddling buddies and a great time on the water. I hope all my future trips will be as good.

The enthusiastic beginner,


P.S. Lorrie, great job organizing the post paddle de-briefing. I hope it becomes a new tradition at all NSPN trips.

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As one of the new paddlers, thank you to all my fellow paddlers, you are the greatest!!! I loved the paddle and learned a lot. The safety precautions and guidance were generously given most appreciated. The pictures really capture the day. Sherry.

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