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Amusing tip for the day...


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Next time you buy lettuce from Market Basket (not sure about the other supermarkets), you'll find they are surrounded by a green tape that is an imitation of velcro -- a much cheaper form of it.

This tape wrapping is perfect for keeping your odd lengths of cordage neat and tidy in whatever container you choose to dump them all in! It's just perfect for that.

Anyone else got something interesting about which to tell us? :)

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My Tip:

Watch a new and free sea kayaking movie - Paddle To Seattle:


Great link Rene. It was fun taking this trip vicariously, in segments-don't think I have the mental fortitude to deal with the nasty weather these buddies encountered.

Most trips after thru-hiking the AT would probably pale, but this had its own set of challenges, especially the desolation they must have felt for much of the trip.

Nice couple of young men too, personality-wise.


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Hopefully we can do this in micro version at the Moosehead Lake next year. :-)


Great link Rene. It was fun taking this trip vicariously, in segments-don't think I have the mental fortitude to deal with the nasty weather these buddies encountered.

Most trips after thru-hiking the AT would probably pale, but this had its own set of challenges, especially the desolation they must have felt for much of the trip.

Nice couple of young men too, personality-wise.


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