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IMHO you can spend a week on Moosehead and be entertained. Richardson is great for a 2-3 days expedition.

Richardson has camping spots on sandy beaches and sandy islands

Moosehead has nice cliffs of Mt.Kineo


I've got my eye on an expedition next fall. Anyone have information/experience on kayak camping at Upper/Lower Richardson Lakes? How might the experience compare/contrast to Moosehead?


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I've got my eye on an expedition next fall. Anyone have information/experience on kayak camping at Upper/Lower Richardson Lakes? How might the experience compare/contrast to Moosehead?


Back in '81 we did a week long trip at Moosehead and as a youth it was great fun. I still have the memories & pictures. I remember the day with the white caps and my first solo paddling was on the lake.



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I have some trip reports over on "views from the top" in case they help in any way.

The Richardson's are very nice, the wind tunnels down through them big time on some days.

I've been on Mooselookmeguntic on choppy days and paddle over to take a look at the Richardsons and all hell would be breaking loose on them. I loved my trip on The Richardsons.

There are big sections of Moosehead I haven't seen, being the largest lake you should able to make a good tour of a week or so.

Mount Kineo makes a nice climb and good indigenous history, Peregrine falcon on the backside of the cliff face.

Spencer Bay looks very tempting with multiple choices of campsites.

Lots of motivation to see the north western part of the lake which is slated for huge development , It's right at the top of ..."see it now before it's to late"

Further north are the Northwest carry and the Northeast carry... old time portaging routes for countless years. You can always check them out for reference for any future trips.

I love the Northern Forest Canoe Trail Maps series as they include nice historical overviews of the areas up there as well as the mapping

map 11 for Moosehead

map 8 for the Richardsons ( did Mooslookmeguntic with the Richardson as the portage was so short)

...when I use my mess kit pan It makes me smile...it is still dented top and bottom from Moosehead. Bear had carried it off in the wee hrs one morning. Found it in the bushes. It was still snapped tight but you can see where he simply put it in his mouth and carried it off.

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Mount Kineo makes a nice climb and good indigenous history, Peregrine falcon on the backside of the cliff face.

Spider, aside from the above, are you aware of any established hiking trails at Moosehead, other than the NW and NE portages?


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has a pretty good listing and a peek at the topo for the summits.. Little Kineo Mt, Eagle Mnt and Norcross Mnt seem the most likely to actually access from the lake.

The summits themselves are most likely a bushwhack but there are old roads and trails near the bases.

I haven' done any of them just Kineo itself which has a fire tower on it.

Nice to be able to stretch your legs on an extended trip. At that time of year my vote would be to bring some orange esp if bush whacking or scouting out any old trail etc.

I usually bring something even if I just tie it to the boat or a hat for example.

Hope that is of some help... spdr

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