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Plum Island Sound from Pavillion Beach


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I am planning to launch from Pavillion Beach in Ipswich and paddle to the end of the Rowley River and return. Leaving 1 pm, and high tide is around 3 pm, so the current will assist both ways.

Please reply to this post if you plan to join me because I might adjust plans if I'm solo. This is around 12 miles round trip.

Another possibility would be to take Fox Creek to explore Essex Bay.



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Hi Dan,

Given your post's time, I'm not sure what day you plan this trip?

I may want to join you Sunday or Monday unless I have to work.


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Oops - that's Sunday the 12th!

Sorry Dan-sounds like a nice paddle but I went out yesterday for about 12mi on the York river and need to rewind the day after. Send me an email or PM whenever you get the urge to do Gerrish or Newcastle again.

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