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Kayak camping with kids


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Rene (Brambor) and I have been discussing kayak camping trips we could do with our kids. We decided to plan on a first trip to Thacher Island which is just off of Rockport. The plan would be to launch either from Rockport ( a ~3 mile paddle) or Lanes Cove ( ~7 mile paddle). If there were people launching from both location we could rendezvous in Rockport. There are rentals available from North Shore Kayak in Rockport if you need a tandem. This should be an easy paddle and hopefully a fun introduction to kayak camping. Of course those paddling without children are also welcome!

Let me know if you are interested in joining. We can work out the logistics and there is a huge wealth of knowledge on this forum for advice on gear etc.



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YES - one of the wishes I have whenever I take my kids paddling is that they had their own peers on the trip. It sure beats talking to adults all the time :-)

So think about bringing your kids on a paddling camping trip!


Rene (Brambor) and I have been discussing kayak camping trips we could do with our kids. We decided to plan on a first trip to Thacher Island which is just off of Rockport. The plan would be to launch either from Rockport ( a ~3 mile paddle) or Lanes Cove ( ~7 mile paddle). If there were people launching from both location we could rendezvous in Rockport. There are rentals available from North Shore Kayak in Rockport if you need a tandem. This should be an easy paddle and hopefully a fun introduction to kayak camping. Of course those paddling without children are also welcome!

Let me know if you are interested in joining. We can work out the logistics and there is a huge wealth of knowledge on this forum for advice on gear etc.



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We'd be interested in a kids/teen paddling trip. Neither of us are available on July 11, but maybe another trip...


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We'd be interested in a kids/teen paddling trip. Neither of us are available on July 11, but maybe another trip...


Hi Gay,

The dates are not set in stone so if for example the following weekend worked better and you were committed to going we could look at changing.

Alternatively it would be great to hear your ideas and possible other dates. I'd love to do a couple of trips this season.



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Hi Gay,

The dates are not set in stone so if for example the following weekend worked better and you were committed to going we could look at changing.

Alternatively it would be great to hear your ideas and possible other dates. I'd love to do a couple of trips this season.



Hi Barry,

Looking at my calendar and between vacation, camps and work we don't have a weekend with both Saturday and Sunday free until mid August at the earliest, so don't change your camping dates. A day trip would be possible for us. We've done kids trips on Slocum's River and Westport River down near Rhode Island, so those places come to mind. Horseneck Beach is a nice destination for a picnic and warm water for swimming before heading back. Lots of osprey nests along the way. Only negative is that it's a long drive for most NSPNers. And have to coordinate with tides more than some other places.

But, lots of possibilities. Will be thinking of ideas.


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  • 2 weeks later...

We have six so far for this trip and I have reserved 3 camp sites. They have more so let us know if you would like to come along on this trip. Depending on the makeup we may have two launches one from Lanes cove (7 miles each way) and one from Rockport (3.5 miles).


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Good job Barry. This trip is shaping up very well.

We have six so far for this trip and I have reserved 3 camp sites. They have more so let us know if you would like to come along on this trip. Depending on the makeup we may have two launches one from Lanes cove (7 miles each way) and one from Rockport (3.5 miles).


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  • 2 weeks later...

We have 9 total in 4 groups; kids varying in age from 5 to 12 years old. Let me know if you would like to join us. Hopefully will be as good a weather weekend as this one!


b u m p ! COMING UP SOON
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