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Question for the ladies


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(Guys, please just move along ...)

I'm starting to seriously consider getting a new drysuit, and am kinda confused about the relief zipper choice. Had initially assumed I'd get a dropseat, but I seem to recall that some of you actually prefer the men's zipper placement, though I don't remember why. Anyway, I'd love to hear your experiences and opinions as to the pros/cons of each. (And if you'd rather not share this in, ahem, public, please feel free to send me a message.)



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Hi Judy,

I have used both types of dry suits and definitely prefer the drop seat. Before purchasing a Kokatat with a drop seat I had heard some issues with sitting on that big zipper (absolutely not an issue, it's positioned too high up). The main issue to contend with is making sure the zipper is well lubed for ease of opening and closing--behind you. If it sticks and you're trying to work the zipper pull behind you it can be a little frustrating. Just keep it in good working order. The other issue is when carrying boats with a buddy. I have raked my (cold) hand on the zipper and that hurts, I just try to carry the boat above the zipper.

I still have my Palm which was very cost effective. Even with a front relief zipper that I had added the cost of suit was about a third of the cost of a Kokatat. Sometimes things worked out well, sometimes not with the front relief.

My recommendation is a suit with the drop seat. I am not aware of other companies out there that make this other than Kokatat. I have to say Kokatat makes a superior product and has worked very well for me.

Feel free to email me if you have additional questions.


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(Guys, please just move along ...)

I'm starting to seriously consider getting a new drysuit, and am kinda confused about the relief zipper choice. Had initially assumed I'd get a dropseat, but I seem to recall that some of you actually prefer the men's zipper placement, though I don't remember why. Anyway, I'd love to hear your experiences and opinions as to the pros/cons of each. (And if you'd rather not share this in, ahem, public, please feel free to send me a message.)




My current suit has both a LOWERED front relief zipper and a drop seat. It was a customer order that was a mistake in that customer only wanted the front relief zipper. I thought this would be great for women to see both.

March 27/28 I am busy and won't be paddling so if you want to borrow the suit to give it a whirl, you can. Just give a shout.

Pros/cons -

Front relief zipper - less expensive than drop due to shorter zipper, easier to unzip as it is in front.

Cons - can only use it to pee. Problem is that unless you are proficient with a Go-Girl, FUD, Shewhee, the funnel can overflow and the only place for it to go is down your leg:) Don't ask me how I know.

Rear Relief Zipper - Can take care of business with this one - both 1 and 2. I never notice the zipper with this suit. Some women tell me that they have sat on the zipper - when I explore further, it seems it was a friends too big drysuit which caused the zipper to hang lower on their body. Properly fitting, not a problem. A handful of women have mentioned that they can feel the zipper end when in their boat. I think if worn properly and the waist is at the waist, then the zipper is behind your widest part of the hip and then shouldn't be touching...


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If Dee were reading this she would say she has difficulty using the freshette because something in her head won't let her pee while she (feels) she has her pants on. Based upon this and other accounts the freshette appears to be an acquired skill.

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If Dee were reading this she would say she has difficulty using the freshette because something in her head won't let her pee while she (feels) she has her pants on. Based upon this and other accounts the freshette appears to be an acquired skill.

I agree with that also. Definitely good to practice at home in the shower prior to using within the drysuit if one wants the drysuit to remain that way!

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Judy I hate my dropseat - I find it hard to zip and unzip even when lubed properly :) I also find it impossible to get in the right umm "position" once unzipped. If I bought a new drysuit I'd probaby go with a front zip. But the other women here seem to like drop seats, so maybe I just have bad aim :)

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With the exception of my first Kokatat dry suit, which was a no-front-zip man's, I've always had the "frownie" zipper.

I've never run into any problems with exiting, entering, being uncomfortable when sitting, or zipping mine up (although I always make sure it's well waxed and carry waxing material with me). While I'm contemplating a front zip in addition to the rear zip on my next dry suit, I've not found any issues with the rear zip model, so I'd probably not mess with what's been a good thing.

Deb :surfing::roll:

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Thanks to all of you for your input! I have a better sense of the variables now, and (as with everything kayaking), the bottom line seems to be personal preference. (And a lot of practice ...)

Suz, thanks for your offer to try your drysuit (hmm, would get to try both types of zippers at the same time). If my schedule works out that I can take you up on your offer, I'll get in touch with you!

Thanks again, all,


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Hi Judy,

I have the Kokotat with the drop seat and like it. My suit is relatively new, so I do sometimes have difficulty opening the zipper without some assistance. If I keep the zipper well waxed this is less of an issue, but as it wears off it sticks again. The only other difficulty I have is getting my spray skirt on over the zipper on the drop seat-my spray skirt is snug and gets caught on the zipper. I've thought about getting another spray skirt with a different type of opening to solve this issue...

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