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Paddling Sun/Mon/Tues Dec 6-8?


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Weekend looks like a washout. Paddling ideas for Sun through Tues? I'm up for another go at the Harbor Islands; if too windy even to tour the inner area (Logan, the wharves, etc.)...or a typical put-in at Tuck's Pt to wherever.

See ya at the Party.


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Is Saturday forecast for Rain?

I quickly glanced and saw seas 1-2 feet, minimal winds and cloudy.

Weekend looks like a washout. Paddling ideas for Sun through Tues? I'm up for another go at the Harbor Islands; if too windy even to tour the inner area (Logan, the wharves, etc.)...or a typical put-in at Tuck's Pt to wherever.

See ya at the Party.


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Tuesday appears to be the sunnier of the next two days, and perhaps by then this pretty crystalline crust will have melted away from our memory.

Tha Hahbah? Tuck's?

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I'm a wannabe for Tuck's on Tuesday. Jeez after seeing Rene's pics of Tyson & Emilie at Cape Porpoise I need to rethink my classification as an "intermediate paddler". Maybe I should get a Pungo now!

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I'm a wannabe for Tuck's on Tuesday. Jeez after seeing Rene's pics of Tyson & Emilie at Cape Porpoise I need to rethink my classification as an "intermediate paddler". Maybe I should get a Pungo now!

I just ordered my Pungo! :D

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I'm interested if you don't mind outsiders. I'd be coming from NH so I'd like to know what the proposed paddle would be, firstly. I'd like to do some new spots but also have to deal with the commute so I have to weigh some factors. I'm not up for 30 miles, rocks, or going cahoona but don't mind if others do - I'm just not interested in bashing my boat and play is not my sole objective. Moderate conditions are fun but within reason is the name of the game at this point. I don't think I've paddled with anyone in this group except Sid so I'm unaware of the dynamic.


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I'm interested if you don't mind outsiders. I'd be coming from NH so I'd like to know what the proposed paddle would be, firstly. I'd like to do some new spots but also have to deal with the commute so I have to weigh some factors. I'm not up for 30 miles, rocks, or going cahoona but don't mind if others do - I'm just not interested in bashing my boat and play is not my sole objective. Moderate conditions are fun but within reason is the name of the game at this point. I don't think I've paddled with anyone in this group except Sid so I'm unaware of the dynamic.


Hi Jeff et al,

First, if you belong to NSPN you're not an outsider. Second, given the colder weather and a moderate 7 knots WSW tomorrow I don't think anyone's up for a high teens marathon or serious rock/surf play. Third, our "dynamic" range is quite large, and always flexible, paying particular attention to individual paddler's needs. Safety first....

Still haven't completely decided if I want freeze my toes tomorrow, but am thinking about putting in at Deer Island, launching on the south side ('cuz it's low tide), and either keeping the WSW wind at our backs to Lovell, turning SW to Long, or heading S directly to and along Long; then under Long's bridge, and perhaps lunching on Spectacle or Thompson (I don't remember if either has a beach). Then we could decide whether to play around S. Boston, the inner harbor, or bask in the sun under roaring aeroplanes before returning to Deer.

Graves is out due to the W wind return, and some of us did the Peddock's/Hull area just last week.

My intent is NOT to necessarily test gear for immersion, but indeed drysuits are in order, and I'll probably be using pogies and maybe a balaclava unless Helios keeps me warm.

Who's up for this? If it's too far for Jeff's drive we could play out of Tuck's, or I'll just stay home and practice more Schubert and help the...oh my, I forgot!...there's a plumber showing up. But that's what wives are for, eh?

Arrive 10:15-30, BIB 11AM.


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Usually it is more fun when everyone involved is up for the same thing. I do several other demanding activities so I'm conscious of dynamic. I'm fairly new to kayaking plus do other things so I'm not BCU5. I can do whatever people normally do but want to make sure I'm not hooking up with storm chasers.

Distance to the launch isn't necessarily a concern just something I need to plan for because of the commute and a buffer for getting my head up my butt when finding a new launch site. More planning involved when going some place new. Distance and time aren't quite correlated as it depends on how far from the main highway the launch is, not actual mileage. I have pretty good knowledge of the North Shore because I lived in MA for awhile and prior to that I needed to explore the greater Boston area looking for a suitable place to land from NY. I should be able to find spots with little issue so let us not worry about that and we'll focus on suitability. Pick what is best for you guys and I'll go or not go based on my assessment. Probably go since I have no reason not to. I would just load the car tonight if I'm going.

I have everything I need for cold weather so that's not a problem. Hands can get cold but that's winter.

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For Deer Island Google gives me this: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source...047979&z=15

Does that look sensible? Typical New England straightforwardness by having few route #s involved yet a half billion turns along the way. My concerns would be caveats around the area where Google breaks from Rt 1 to Rt 60. If I recall, this area can be a cluster F especially if rush hour. When contemplating a place in Marblehead I purposefully attempted the commute from there through to 93 during morning rush hour to see if it would make me want to kill myself if I had to do it every day (no rail in Marblehead.) Google also goes out of its way to skip Rt 16 so that makes me suspicious. The rest looks OK from a few hundred feet above...

Option B is to take 93 to 90, then I only have a small bit of non-highway and the inevitable horrid mass road surfaces. A little longer but maybe smarter?

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For Deer Island Google gives me this: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source...047979&z=15

Does that look sensible?


Yup. We all get lost enroute, and it's worse going north afterward. Just keep going south-east and you'll come to a small parking lot at the end of the causeway.


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Gene's a no-go.

Jeff's in, and so am I, but I'm not calling this paddle with less than three committed hardy souls.

So anyone else? Sid? Ty?



781 526-3860 © in the morn

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Ern, have you finalized on the Deer Island launch and itinerary? There is a chance I might be able to join you tomorrow, although I probably won't know until the last minute before I would leave (been waiting for my current project task to kick in for almost a week now). If it's a go I'll try to email you and Sid ahead, but don't wait for me in any case.

B.t.w., Thompson island is privately owned and thus not good for a landing/lunch, but Spectacle has a beach near the large dock on the SW side, and views from the heights that are well worth the hike up.

And welcome Jeff, you'll see that Ern, Sid and the rest of their gang are sound paddlers and good company, they won't be tempting you to filet yourself on the rocks! :rolleyes:

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C'mon Sid! My boat is on the car, bow and stern lines and everything. I'm even willing to get up in the morning when I otherwise would not have to, and suffer the Boston commute all the way from NH. That's commitment.

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Gene's a no-go.

Jeff's in, and so am I, but I'm not calling this paddle with less than three committed hardy souls.

So anyone else? Sid? Ty?



781 526-3860 © in the morn

Ah, our posts crossed in the ether -- wish I could commit, but really can't until I hear tomorrow morning. I'll call you if I can go (assuming you have sufficient bodies to plan on already), would know and leave right around 9:30am. -- Scott

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So anyone else? Sid? Ty?

Sadly, I have this thing called a job and I have kayaks to pay for. :(

I'd really like to get out into Boston Harbor as I've never paddled there.

And welcome Jeff, you'll see that Ern, Sid and the rest of their gang are sound paddlers and good company, they won't be tempting you to filet yourself on the rocks! :rolleyes:

...but they may expect you to take pictures while they fillet themselves on the rocks! :Titanic:

Have some fun for me!



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would know and leave right around 9:30am. -- Scott

I'll need to leave here earlier than 9:30 so it would be nice to know if this will happen or not before I go to bed, say by midnight or 1am. With sufficient time padding I think I'll need to be on the road by 8:45, probably 8:30 just to make sure I'm not late. First impressions and what-not, plus if I'm pressed for time I'll be swearing even more on the drive down. Mornings + traffic = 2*evil. Scientific fact. I also would not even be up by 8:45 if I didn't have to be.

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Tomorrow looks like the best day to paddle. Tucks would be find for me. However if Ern is up for the Harbor Islands that might be a nice change of pace.


We need your commitment TONIGHT, to be fair to Jeff. Scott, can't wait until AM to make the call.


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I think all we need are the 3 commitments for a go, the rest can be last minute if they want.

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Gene, I see you are interested in that used Nordlow in the Classifieds. Sign up for tomorrow and you can test paddle one!

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Gene, I see you are interested in that used Nordlow in the Classifieds. Sign up for tomorrow and you can test paddle one!

Gene's hurt his back, so has no option. Sid hasn't responded, so I'm canceling this paddle.

Jeff, you can sleep in tomorrow!

Let's try again maybe Saturday or next week.



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I see there was a miscommunication timing wise. I'm still game since I'm ready. I'll be up for awhile working on some stuff so I'll keep my eye on this in case it comes back to life. Also can do something else if anyone wants to.

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All, I won't be joining you today (assuming you're going out), I'll be working. (Have to pay for the paddling gear somehow!). Still sounds like a pretty good day, get it in before this winter storm blows in... -- Scott

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I left a phone message with Jeff and Ern. If I don't hear from you guys then I've headed over to Tucks Point and I'll be paddling solo to directly to Salem Harbor and back as a fitness paddle. If I'm ahead of schedule and seas are calm I might visit a few of the islands on the way back. Sometimes its nice to paddle at your own pace. This will be the first time this year that I've paddled solo and I've missed it. I'm going to shoot for a 11:30 arrival and a Noon BIB. I'll be monitoring Ch 72. My Cell is 978-408-1132 and I'll monitor that until Noon.


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