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Valley Sea Kayaks Web Site


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Many of you Valley owners know that the ValleySeaKayaks.com web site has been down for quite a while with just a static page showing Rockpool Kayaks in a very nice photo. Below is the response form Peter Orton from Valley on the site and why Rockpool Kayaks are displayed on the Valley Web Site. Click the link below.

Peter Orton explains what's going on with Valley's Web Site

Valley's current Web Site

Photo from Rockpool's Site

I wonder if the same Graphic Designer that did the Rockpool Site is designing Valley's new site.


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:t07021: anybody else notice that the text behind the "coming in a few days" sign on the valley website appears to be latin?

I suspect that is junk text the page layout software adds to text boxes so the developer can see how things will look/flow. Don't know if it makes sense in Latin or not. One publishing program I've used adds similar looking text to text boxes when laying out a page(s).

Ed Lawson

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So the geeky folks or Graphic Designers knew this was just placeholder text but I'm sure it confused everyone else that saw it. :) I get this text or similar text when using Dreamweaver for creating placeholder text blocks so it's very common in the Web Site Design world.

What Does it mean? The closest English translation would be "pain itself" (dolorem=pain, grief, misery, suffering; ipsum=itself).


H. Rackham's 1914 translation of Lorem Ipsum

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

Ironically Valley is really feeling the pain of a complete Web Site re-design let's hope they and we find pleasure in it's result.



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I'd rather see a Latin mockup with Rockpool boats than that stupid construction worker animated GIF any day. I'd also rather see them take the time to do it right than rush it out since I believe in doing things properly the first time, but if that were a universal philosophy I wouldn't be unemployed! But if I weren't unemployed I'd not be kayaking. Or posting my worthless opinions on a message board...

Since getting into kayaking I've noticed related companies desperately need good QC and tech folk, and as luck has it I do both! Hint hint

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What Does it mean? The closest English translation would be "pain itself" (dolorem=pain, grief, misery, suffering; ipsum=itself).

It doesn't mean anything, just like the text it generates, it's gibberish that looks like a real language. The reason it always starts with "lorem ipsum" is to indicate that's what it is. Professional content writers recognize it immediately.

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It doesn't mean anything, just like the text it generates, it's gibberish that looks like a real language. The reason it always starts with "lorem ipsum" is to indicate that's what it is. Professional content writers recognize it immediately.

Yup I think that is what I indicated in my previous response. As far as it's meaning as gibberish it did come from a latin root and this text was used by designers as mock up text and not meant to have any real meaning.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, just what is Valley's definition of "Just a few more days"?! They've been down for so long, it seems that they could have put up something in the mean time. ...even if it is an honest clue of how long it might be instead of the deceptive "few more days". :(

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It really shows how clueless the owners are about the importance of web presence in these days. Running adds in kayaking magazines and posting their web site in them is a disappointing negligence.

If this happened to me as an owner i would redirect the site to a blog where i could answer questions and post news about my company. This would give the webmaster enough time to finish reading '.NET for Dummies'.


So, just what is Valley's definition of "Just a few more days"?! They've been down for so long, it seems that they could have put up something in the mean time. ...even if it is an honest clue of how long it might be instead of the deceptive "few more days". :(
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If my webmaster tried to do the site with .Net or any vendor specific (especially IE technology) he'd have plenty of time on his hands as well as a boot up is @ss. The web isn't Microsoft any more than computers are. The converse in both cases actually.

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I'm sure the new ValleySeaKayaks.com Web Site when it does appear will be pretty slick. They had one of the best compared to the other competitions sites prior to their web site catastrophe. Peter Orton is answering question in some of the kayaking BLOGS but it would've been prudent to have at least a link on their placeholder site page with some additional information.


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I'd be happy for some direct contact avenues at this point. I need to replace a rusting screw but have no way to contact the source. I can pull it out and try to match it but it would be far easier if I just knew the specs. Plus I'm afraid to remove it without having the replacement in case it gets destroyed on the way out. It is beginning to make me mental since it should be the simplest need to fill. I don't want to talk to the importers. I want to talk to the factory. I don't suppose that information is encrypted in the Latin anywhere on the page is it?!!! I wonder if Pungo owners have these problems.

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I conversed with the owner via e-mail. He was helpful and directed me to a distributor in the USA. Unfortunately they did not return my e-mail. I ended up just doing my repair all by my self and felt good about it. I'm a big fan of Valley, that's why I'm bewildered with their web presence.

I'd be happy for some direct contact avenues at this point. I need to replace a rusting screw but have no way to contact the source. I can pull it out and try to match it but it would be far easier if I just knew the specs. Plus I'm afraid to remove it without having the replacement in case it gets destroyed on the way out. It is beginning to make me mental since it should be the simplest need to fill. I don't want to talk to the importers. I want to talk to the factory. I don't suppose that information is encrypted in the Latin anywhere on the page is it?!!! I wonder if Pungo owners have these problems.
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I wonder if Pungo owners have these problems.

Of course not. Pungo owners, having bought the best kayak in the world, do not need repair parts. Assuming for purposes of argument they did, the part would arrive in 24 hours by FedEx after they called a helpful person via a toll free number. In addition, the part would be accompanied by a letter of apology from the President of the company.

In contrast, owners of Brit boats after pleading and complaining on PNet get the wrong part after six months wrapped is grease smeared, fishy smelling newspaper with a scribbled note saying something about bloody American twit.

I understand the desire to deal with the manufacturer, but why not call the folks in RI to see if they have the part? I have found them helpful.

Ed Lawson

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When I contacted Valley about some additional decals for my Avocet & Aquanaut they were very responsive. Below is the contact info. and phone number. Best way to contact them is at


From: sales@valley [mailto:sales@valleyseakayaks.com]

Sent: 25 September 2008 11:49

To: info@valleyseakayaks.com

Subject: Re: Avocet & Aquanaut decal replacement?

Hi Neil

If you let us have your address I'll pop some in the post for you...

Email details to sales@valleyseakayaks.com



Valley Canoe Products Ltd

0115 9614995


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So, just what is Valley's definition of "Just a few more days"?!

I received a nice reply from Peter at Valley. His current interpretation of "just a few more days" is "just a few more weeks". ...or more specifically, he said that he thinks that it will be up before Christmas. I tried to suggest that putting that information on the web site would be better than leaving it looking like the abandoned site of a defunct company.

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wow. I hope he dealt with programmers before. If they are giving him an estimate of a few weeks ... I would say it could go to a few months.

He better put up something like a blog with a clear title that the web site is under construction and with links to contacts at various Valley departments (customer service, marketing...) and where they'll occasionally post some news that are happening at Valley. A blog that does not look like an actual web site is better for visitors to understand visually that the REAL web site is under construction.

I received a nice reply from Peter at Valley. His current interpretation of "just a few more days" is "just a few more weeks". ...or more specifically, he said that he thinks that it will be up before Christmas. I tried to suggest that putting that information on the web site would be better than leaving it looking like the abandoned site of a defunct company.
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wow. I hope he dealt with programmers before. If they are giving him an estimate of a few weeks ... I would say it could go to a few months.

He better put up something like a blog with a clear title that the web site is under construction and with links to contacts at various Valley departments (customer service, marketing...) and where they'll occasionally post some news that are happening at Valley. A blog that does not look like an actual web site is better for visitors to understand visually that the REAL web site is under construction.

The begging of October the site was doing a daily count down until live. Will be live in 7 days, the next day it was to be live in 6 days etc. It was supposed to launch ~ the third week in October.

I am glad that they weren't selling git items online or they would have folded by now..

While we wait for Valley to get back on the web this is a few other boat or gear sites that can be looked at since they are up and working:











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