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2010 Vancouver Olympic Torch


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I pulled this post and links from a blog. pretty cool...

The 2010 Vancouver Olympics are coming soon and the traditional Olympic torch relay is currently going on. This time, the organizers of the event are focusing on alternative transportation and the different methods of transportation have been unique indeed.

Yesterday the Olympic torch was carried on surf board up in Tofino, BC for the first time ever by Raph Bruhwiler. It’s also been carried on a mountain bike, skateboard, canoe, wheelchair and a float plane. It was also recently carried by van when police had to get around some protesters doing what they do best, protesting stuff.

Keep an eye on day 11 of the relay (November 9, 2009) when the torch passes through Iqaluit, Nunavut. There it will be paddled in a traditional skin-on-frame kayak along the shoreline by Kyle St. Laurent, a long-time member and assistant coach with the Nunavut Speed Skating Association.

According to the official route map, the kayak leg of is about a kilometre long and starts at around 5:30EST.




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Very nice..thanks for the "heads up"

I'll be surely watching for it . Great idea.

We'll be in BC in 2010 but haven't done our "homework" yet to see if that coincides with the Olympics but has us thinking about it now...

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