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Tall ships


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Anybody going to be paddling to see the Tall Ships these next few days? We will be out in the tandem Sat morning( 25th) heading over to Sailsbury State Park to take a look.

Give a shout if you see us out there. (blue boat)

I believe they head up to Portsmouth for an upcoming festival there in a few days. If I have the info correct, so we might able to catch them there as well.

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Anybody going to be paddling to see the Tall Ships these next few days? We will be out in the tandem Sat morning( 25th) heading over to Sailsbury State Park to take a look.

Give a shout if you see us out there. (blue boat)

I believe they head up to Portsmouth for an upcoming festival there in a few days. If I have the info correct, so we might able to catch them there as well.

S- check your info. The ones that were in boston (Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge) should be half the way to Ireland by now.


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S- check your info. The ones that were in boston (Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge) should be half the way to Ireland by now.


There are 2 tall ships docked at Salisbury beach state reservation right now..."The peacemaker and the "Kalmar Nyckel" They'll be there at least through the weekend.

On Aug 7th there will be 4 tall ships, including the CG's Eagle, Sailing into Portsmouth. The 7th is a Fri. Several of us will be paddling out from Fort Stark, on Newcastle island, that morning to see them come in (hopefully) under sail. I can post more details if anyone cares to join us.

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