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rick stoehrer

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declare independence and strike out from pierce's island, portsmouth with paul sylvester and me. we'll be heading out and most likely trying to find the same tasty waves this weekend that we had last sunday offa wallis sands beach....we may head farther down the shore in pursuit of the elusive break but who knows....if we find them, any distance is worth it!

launch at 10am and back....in time to comfort the dogs before the soggy fire works start.

probably helmets are a good idea but hey, this is a cam...you sort it out!

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I'm interested. Why Pierce Island? Do you intend to go down the river? Rye Harbor and Odiorne are much closer to the open ocean if that's where you want to paddle.

Note last year the pay lot at Odiorne (across the bridge from the small free lot) they waived the fee. I think it is only 4 bucks for car top boats anyway, and is closer to the open ocean than Pierce's. Pierce's fee may be waived too.

Any interest in using a closer spot? Closer may be better if any of the suspected thunderstorms develop, and if necessary there are a lot of landing spots around Odiorne for emergency landings due to weather. Worst case scenario is a carry to some place we can move the cars to. With Pierce you need to get back to that and that's your only option other than trying to hitch hike 1B with boats! I love the currents under the 1B/Wentworth bridge though, but no reason I can't side trip just for that.

Short drive from Rye to Odiorne if we can't park at Rye. I only use Pierce if there is too much ice at the free Odiorne lot or when they take six months to redo a dinky wooden bridge. I don't care where we launch but these are suggestions based on my heavy usage of the area - I would go to Little Harbor from work all the time.

Note: The free lot near Odiorne no longer allows roadside parking. There's a fire hydrant there now too, so little chance of getting away with it. With all the rain there is only enough room for 3-4 cars at high tide. Always fishermen or walkers hogging spots. It should be a launch-only parking area. People can carry a fishing pole easier than I can carry a boat, and walkers are there to walk anyway. Personal peeve.

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Hi Jeff,

On a side note, I drove by the free parking lot last Sunday at high tide and was amazed at how high the tide really was. Not even one car could have parked there without being under water. I do agree that the Odiorne parking area is a better launch spot and closer to rock play than Pierce Island. Construction on the new bridge made Pierce Island the next best launch for Ordione. Most paddlers probably didn't even know the bridge is now complete and parking is open to use....

I personally wouldn't mind Ordione rock play followed by Wallis Sands surfing & back. Any further down the coast may implicate the return trip in a weather situation.

That's all I have to add.


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Short answer is that it is only a few mins. by kayak to the harbor mouth. Not a big deal....

Move fast from Pierce and we could pop out through Chauncy to Brave Boat and play the coast back to Portsmouth.

Small swells could make it fun at Wallis....we will see.

Practice skills, rolling? Lets have some fun........

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I'm still game. I just wanted to pass along the Odiorne info since the bridge replacement took so long and for some reason they had to block the pay lot too. People probably gave up on ever using those launches again. On the bright side, the asphalt cornice that used to be at the free lot has been smoothed over so those of us with cars can pull out without stressing the ball joints taking it at an angle so as not to get bottomed out. High tide varies there so you never know. I was able to park there at high tide not too long ago without getting water under the car. At least it is a shallow grade so even if the water fills the lot it shouldn't get in the car if you are up to the tree row. But a salty undercarriage can't be good. Maybe that's what the new hydrant is for, to hose off your car ;) It's been getting a daily natural hosing anyway.

People can do whatever they feel like doing, but I'm still searching for a helmet not made in China so I'll gauge conditions and tool around while others play if necessary. I can be camera boy. I think I'll post in another forum about finding a non-Chinese helmet.

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Dried out chicken... or... go paddling...

This is a tough one... Those shapeless black things at the back of the grill are usually still edible...

Pack 'em and bring them with you. The humidity will plump them back out nicely. Tabasco will make anything edible.

The sun came out for a few minutes but the clouds noticed and are back on the job. Sun just causes thunderstorms and the mosquitoes to come out anyway. Summer is a romantic myth.

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