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Thursday paddle in Gloucester

Kevin B (RPS Coach)

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Anyone up for a paddle in Gloucester on Thursday? Time flexible but would prefer to go out towards the dogbar rather than the Annisquam.


Launch time: 1:30pm at Pavillion (Greasy Pole) Head out towards Norman's Woe along the shore. Once there, we'll decide where to go next based on the group. Please bring a helmet if you plan to play in the rocks.


Hey All,

Normally I would make a go/no go decision at the beach, but today's forecast and radar indicate an almost continuous strand of t-storms for most of the day. Given the proposed paddle and few bail out points, I think this is a paddle for another day. Also not knowing exactly who will be coming, I want to err on the side of doing this too early to prevent people from taking an unnecessary ride.

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I've been wanting to paddle in that area. I'm open all day. Accuweather's sensational habit of warning for thunderstorms every day throughout summer is no different for Thursday, but unless I have good reason to believe them I would be up for it. I'm coming from Portsmouth so I'll put myself as tentative and decide that morning. What time were you planning to go, and from where? I've mountain biked Cape Ann but never paddled there. Do you use the Greasy Pole launch?

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If I can get enough done in the AM, I will join you. Liz

Launch time: 1:30pm at Pavillion (Greasy Pole) Head out towards Norman's Woe along the shore. Once there, we'll decide where to go next based on the group. Please bring a helmet if you plan to play in the rocks.

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Now, there is only a slight chance that I'll make the this trip tomorrow. Something good actually came up and I may need part of the afternoon to prep for it. My wife just realized that she gets this Fri off. We want to go out in our RV and do some camping and paddling through Monday. So, we're heading up to NH first, Friday morning, to visit a summer camp on Newfound Lake in support of a venture I'm working on. Then we'll either hang around the Lake District or head to Mid-Coast Maine. I might open a new topic, but does anybody know where the state run boat ramps are on Casco Bay. With the whole rig, tailer and all, I need long parking slip.

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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jun 30 2009, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyone up for a paddle in Gloucester on Thursday? Time flexible but would prefer to go out towards the dogbar rather than the Annisquam.


Launch time: 1:30pm at Pavillion (Greasy Pole) Head out towards Norman's Woe along the shore. Once there, we'll decide where to go next based on the group. Please bring a helmet if you plan to play in the rocks.


Hey All,

Normally I would make a go/no go decision at the beach, but today's forecast and radar indicate an almost continuous strand of t-storms for most of the day. Given the proposed paddle and few bail out points, I think this is a paddle for another day. Also not knowing exactly who will be coming, I want to err on the side of doing this too early to prevent people from taking an unnecessary ride.

Updated with cancellation in original post and all who posted have been notified by PM or email.

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