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Anyone for paddling on Saturday 6/13?


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Open to suggestions.... I'm not particularly picky just want to get out. Anyone have a paddle you've been wanting to do. (Preferably local) Lets kick around some ideas.


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I just checked the tide table. Newburyport's is low around 10 am, high about 4 pm. So it's an incoming day in general. I'd be up for something.

OK, how about Gerrish Island circumnav counterclockwise, timed to get through the culvert in mid afternoon? Or have we all done that one to death?

Conomo Point, ride the last of the ebb tide out the mouth if there's surf to be had, then ride the flood back in to an easy landing?

Circumnav of Crane Beach from Conomo or Pavillion Beach?

I'd suggest the Merrimack, but this time of year it's full of striper fishermen.

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Hey Rob,

Funny....at first glance I somehow read that as Stripper Fisherman AKA Fisherman strippers (da...na-na.... na-na... boom-boom) . A sight I would prefer not to see, so yes lets please stay off the Merrimack (is that why I've heard them referred to as "Pole Cats"?)

Yes lets do Conomo Point haven't been out there in a coons age. Whose in?


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I'm up for Conomo too. I think you need 2 hours before or after low tide to have enough water to get out.

So perhaps meet at 11:00 and be out until later into the afternoon maybe off the water around 6:00 , theres lots of daylight. I would be excited about playing in surf or current if there is any.


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As we learned recently, the launch by Walter's (former?) house does dry up at low tide but the point is always accessible and only a short walk. That's not to say sound planning can't keep one's feet wet but that there is no crisis should something delay a return.

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As we learned recently, the launch by Walter's (former?) house does dry up at low tide but the point is always accessible and only a short walk. That's not to say sound planning can't keep one's feet wet but that there is no crisis should something delay a return.

Conomo Point would still be OK with me, maybe a circumnav. Pavilion OK also. Maybe a nice paddle along the beach haven't been out there in a little while.


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Would you guys object to having someone new to the group join you? I promise that I know how to float. :-)

...seriously, I'm quite comfortable in wind, seas, surf, currents and upside down.

If you don't mind, is this where you would meet for Conomo Point?


Put in looks about right! Speaking for myself you're certainly welcome!

Hey-Rob I checked the surf report also and the graphical display shows up to 2 footers. Also with the sandbars outside of Castle neck and Cranes it doesn't take much at lower tides for some interesting breakers. I don't mind just paddling through the stuff even if there's no decent surf to ride.

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Ross and I just spoke on the phone, cuz all the posting was getting cumbersome.

OK, how about we launch from Pavilion Beach in Ipswich at 11:00? That will give the tide enough time to cover the flat muddy section at the bottom, then we can eddy-hop out to Crane and decide what to do from there.

Tyson, so long as you're comfortable with wet exits and T-rescues, you're welcome to come along, of course.

Gene, 1 to 2 ft surf on the sandbars would be fine with me.

Ross will re-post this trip so it's clear where and when we're going.

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Ross and I just spoke on the phone, cuz all the posting was getting cumbersome.

OK, how about we launch from Pavilion Beach in Ipswich at 11:00? That will give the tide enough time to cover the flat muddy section at the bottom, then we can eddy-hop out to Crane and decide what to do from there.

Tyson, so long as you're comfortable with wet exits and T-rescues, you're welcome to come along, of course.

Gene, 1 to 2 ft surf on the sandbars would be fine with me.

Ross will re-post this trip so it's clear where and when we're going.

I reposted this trip... Pavilion Beach, Ipswich 6/13 @11:00.

Yes Tyson you are welcome to come. Thanks for checking though, see you there!


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