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Wanted a long river to paddle


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Hi from NZ, wanted a long river to paddle, in the States area, just thinking about perhaps 600 miles or more no serious rapids but grade two maximum fine. I have paddled over 19,000 kilometres of Sea kayaking/Lakes rivers so quite competent. Any suggestions please, I have all my own gear but would need to hire a kayak over there.

many thanks


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A couple possibilities would be in northern NH where there is a trail of sorts I looked into a few years ago and the Miami and/or Ohio rivers. I don't have alot of specifics on distance, rapids, etc. but my brother did several trips on the Miami and/or Ohio for the Dayton Daily News awhile back and you might find some useful info there. There's also a "paddlefest" in Cincinnati (Ohio) that might dovetail with your plans.

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Joe Glickman (sp) has written a book on his adventures paddling long rivers-from one state to the next--I forget the title--but I am sure you can get the title and the book from Amazon. He is a world-renowned surf skier/racer and is funny, knowledgeable and most helpful. He lives in NY-- Brooklyn--to be exact--if you can't reach him--send me a note and I'll try to get his contact information for you.


aka swearing ferret

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Joe Glickman (sp) has written a book on his adventures paddling long rivers-from one state to the next--I forget the title--but I am sure you can get the title and the book from Amazon. He is a world-renowned surf skier/racer and is funny, knowledgeable and most helpful. He lives in NY-- Brooklyn--to be exact--if you can't reach him--send me a note and I'll try to get his contact information for you.


aka swearing ferret

Swearing Ferret thanks for the help, Joe Glickmans book Kayak Companion is a training manual I could not find the name of the river guide book so if anyone out there can help with the name would br great thanks.

Evan from NZ

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Swearing Ferret thanks for the help, Joe Glickmans book Kayak Companion is a training manual I could not find the name of the river guide book so if anyone out there can help with the name would br great thanks.

Evan from NZ

Evan, I think Kayak Companion is probably the book Les (aka Swearing Ferret) is recommending. The first chapter is about Joe's trip on the Missouri River. It's not a river guide but has some relevant information for you.

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Yes, thanks Leon, that book and another book on the Wisconsin River he published with Nels Akerlund, called Our Wisconsin River - Border to Border

Byline: Akerlund and Glickman spent much of 1996 paddling the 427-mile long waterway known to the Algonguin as "Wees-Konsan" (gathering of the waters) collecting material for Our Wisconsin River: Border To Border.

You can try to goggle him--I suspect he has a website--


aka swearing ferret

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