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Jewel Island weekend camping trip


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Special thanks to Gary York for organizing an enjoyable kayak camping weekend on Jewel Island. Slog paddling into head winds, seals, eagles, rain, camp fire, potluck dinners, wine, stories, rain, porpoise off the bow, pitching tent on a incline, upside down in the tent, island exploration, sun, calm seas, funny stories, bangs, crow, picking up trash on the islands, cleaning up camp, loading and unloading and loading gear, stoking the fire, new paddling friends, rock play, swells, lots of water, rain, standing under a tarp for hours, mud, sun, Casco Bay's numerous island identification by Roger (amazing), geology lessons and limericks by Peter, Dan's horticultural sightings, Doug's camping expertise, Gary's Local knowledge, Gerry's hugging the coast in head winds, Graham's rolling, Janaki's warm smile and, the gentle winds blowing me back to the put-in--Did I forget anything?

Thank you to all for a wonderful weekend


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I would like to add my thanks to Gary and everyone else who helped make this a great weekend and a great introduction to NSPN tripping.

Here are a few more photos.

Graham (and Janaki)

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