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Surf Team & Training

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Folks, RI Surf Kayaking (RISK) is beginning to plan the fall expression session (surf get together). There's talk about a "fun competition" including individual and team. Not sure we have enough surf yakkers Boston north to form a team. :( Anyway, if you're even mildly interested, let me know. We need to go out and catch as many waves and rides as possible to get ready for the session. Whenever there are waves on weekdays, I head over to Nahant since it's close to work and home. Weekends I'll likely head anywhere where the breaks are good.

Sorry dedicated longboaters, you're welcome to surf, but the comp will definitely favor the moves and maneuverability of a short boat.

Keep on stokin'!


PS. I got extra short boats/skirts for a med/lg paddler and another for sm/med paddler if you interested in checking out surfing with a short boat.

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