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THINK Fit? Or should I think again?


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After selling my barely-used and too-fragile KayakPro JET this winter, I now have the bug again for a workout 'yak for more frequent fresh water exercise, reserving my seakayaks for their intended purpose.

I'm more attracted to the 17' length and skirtable cockpit of the FIT than a 20-21 really skinny surfski, especially as I might want to just cart it over to the Mystic Lake rather than drive.

Plus something that long seems pretty goofy on a lake....

The fact that the FIT uses Think's "closed" cockpit with a drainage plug that is touted as practically self-draining (?) seems interesting; apparently this hybrid-like craft allows easier reentry and can even handle light chop, being stable yet quick.

The glass layup, at 33 lbs, is a lot cheaper, and apparently stiffer than their premium Kevlar, too.

I need to get more exercise this year than just a weekly ocean paddle or two chez vous. I'm rationalizing that it'll be harder to find excuses for me not to jump in the Lake if I have an ultralight carryable workout craft that I can use as intended 5 minutes later.

I've had no luck finding anyone except my buds at CRCK offering feedback on the FIT.

Anyone tried one?

More importantly, is the whole idea of this kind of craft just TOO similar to that nifty treadmill in my basement...or Bowflex in yours?!

Thanks. Ern

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Hi Ern

Check out Nelo & Epic before you make a decision. I really didn't like the way the "Fit" felt but I believe I'm much larger than you. I love the Epic 18x Ultra (only 35lbs). At least it had some sense of stability. Charles River has them as well. They are great boats for what you want to do. Nice hidden rudder system and have the option this year to extend the rudder depth. Epic made some nice improvements over last years model. Never tried Nelo but it seems to be extremely popular in the elite class. There's my two cents worth. Have fun shopping.


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Hi Doug,

I'd paddled the older Epic 18 when searching for an all-purpose seakayak, and found it too unmaneuverable, yet quick, of course.

But you got me to revisit them...maybe the V10 Sport (20'x19") is the more interesting alternative to the FIT for a light, affordable, exercise craft with enough stability for light chop?

I believe I'd better get to CRCK to check both, as their Think order is going in this week.

Thanks. Ern

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  • 5 months later...

Think Fit was second to the Epic V10 Sport that I ended up buying. Spent a few hours in Fit and a few hours in V10S and raced both.

At 220 pounds, was a bit on the heavy side for bigger water with the Fit, but for light chop/flatwater it was fine.

Tough choice since I liked the size of the fit, could use my current system for storage versus having to hang straps from rafters in 2-car garage to store inside.

I found for fitness paddling, wanted a lower catch, kept hitting fingers on comb.

Was a much more comfortable seat (and stable) versus V10 Sport.

Also for heavy seas, remounting Fit was more of an issue than with V10S.

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