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Ordiorne Point to Gerrish Sunday 11/2


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Yes indeed the Ocean was serene and calm some might think a bore,

the waves gently lapping upon rocks and shore.

A soft cool breeze nudging gently our boats,

the wind in my ears like musical notes.

Blowing with just slight amount of force

we would shift our bums to right our course.

Hark I see ahead...Surf has come to meet us,

it is the wake of Peters fast moving Cetus!

I catch a short but thrilling ride,

a standing wave forms from the incoming tide.

Tipping then bracing to keep from the brink,

my low brace keeps me from a salt water drink.

On to braveboat but the water was flat,

we met Jon and his wife and had a short chat

A man of the sea we then happened upon,

his beard was white and really quite long.

An old time paddler with a custom built ship,

for an old guy he really was quite hip.

Unbeknownst to me but a hero I soon learned,

He once plucked a man from icy water when his boat overturned.

He knew the river quite well each turn and each bend,

and spoke of it fondly as if it were and old and dear friend.

We said goodbye to our companion and began heading back,

the current was moving as it was well past slack.

Then round Gerrish and a crossing complete,

we made it to shore and back on our feet.

Good bye to Jason as darkness drew near,

Peter and I went to Portsmouth for a well deserved beer.

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A man of the sea we then happened upon,

his beard was white and really quite long.

An old time paddler with a custom built ship,

for an old guy he really was quite hip.

Peter and I went to Portsmouth for a well deserved beer.

Neat. Very neat. You had the classic around Gerrish trip. A nice day for it even if a bit calm. Then again, you can practice timing and control even in small surges and wind about in smaller places so a challenge can always be found.

Ed Lawson

P.S. It is indeed his old and dear friend.

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Laura and I crossed wakes with Jason, Ross and Peter as we were heading out of Brave Boat Harbour to embark upon the outer passage of the circumnavigation. It was great to meet Jason and Ross for the first time and to see Peter again. We too had the pleasure of a additional paddle companion as Bob Johnson accompanied us through the saltmarsh section between Gerrish and Brave Boat Harbour. A very pleasant and colorful fellow.

The outside was fun; 1 ~ 2 footers out of the ENE and the wind which had been steady out of the NWxN quieted steadily to light and variable. The only downside was paddling directly into the setting sun which made picking out the ledges and rocks a bit tough.

A fair tide and what little wind in our favor reminded me of something an old sea captain would say to me while sailing the Maine coast with similarly favorable conditions: "Jonathan, we've got the world by the tail with a downhill cant today."

We had put in at the newly refurbished and upgraded facilities at the entrance to the Rachael Carson preserve. There are very nice toilet facilities installed now. I should mention that there has been a "kayak launch ramp" built on the Chauncey Creek side of the bridge. This is not at all friendly as it is quite steep and you will need to climb over slippery rocks to get to or from the water at low tide.

Unfortunately, the locals are not really pleased with the "upgraded" facilities and they very kindly informed us that taking out anywhere more favorable was not appreciated as it was private property. Something to keep in mind.

All in all a very nice paddle.

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