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Tuesday election day paddle:

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Election day is the pick of the week for sun and low wind. How about meet at Tuck's Point 11:00AM and decide where to go. We will keep VHF tuned to ch 69 and chat about the election. If Obama's ahead our CAM will be socialized; if McCain's ahead we'll adopt a more Darwinian model for cooperation. Either way, should be a blast!


Looks like another free day for me so far, Gene.

I'll confirm soon.


PS Wanna head north this time?


I'll check here in the morning. If you confirm it's a go. North is fine except the return will be against the wind if the NOAA forecast holds.


G'mornin, Gene.

I'm with ya. Would like ta possibly explore Goucester Harbor area, as I haven't paddled its innards.

But I'm flexible, so we'll meet at Tuck's and perhaps decide ta launch at that there Greasy Pole if the darned wind picks up? Looks like only 5-10knots so far tho...

11AM is good. I'll vote later...like in 2012.


PS I promise that this is my last Palinesque missive.

If you want to go to Gloucester you should have gone there 4 years ago. See you at Tick's @11

I'm running late because I voted. I could possibly show at 12 PM if if you guys make up you minds and give me an idea of your general direction. Then we can link up on VHF 69.


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