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Gerrish Island attempt...


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What a absolutely grand day to be out on the water. We headed out from Goat Isl. (between Portsmouth and Newcastle) ferrying accross the Piscatiqua at full flood around 1200 by the old prison where we found an unbelievable wild apple tree hanging over the river.


Plan was to go up Chauncey Creek and exit along east side of Gerrish Isl. and head out into some perfect bump; (NE winds 10 ~ 15 kts, 3 ~ 4 ft seas) a downhill ride along the coast and then head back in.

Unfortunately we did not realize that you can't actually circumnavigate Gerrish Island alone; you have to include Cutts Island as well; accessing the sea through Brave Boat Harbour. We thrashed about in the grass and reeds for too long and lost the tide.


Still a great day to be out on the water.


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Unfortunately we did not realize that you can't actually circumnavigate Gerrish Island alone; you have to include Cutts Island as well; accessing the sea through Brave Boat Harbour. We thrashed about in the grass and reeds for too long and lost the tide.

Been there, done that. Great feeling isn't it?

Welcome aboard.

Don't think there has been a S&G through Brave Boat Harbor lately. Still time before it freezes so maybe in the next month or so.

Ed lawson

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Appreciate the co-misery Ed although we did have a fun day in spite of the flat water only.

Could someone please direct us to the glossary of acronyms. ie SNG?

I gather from the context that it might be a gathering of us to paddle together.


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although we did have a fun day in spite of the flat water only.

I am rather partial to flat water. I seem to encounter the other kind often enough without looking for it.

This weekend seemed to be an excellent example of what a difference a day can make.

Ed Lawson

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