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Mystic Lake practice -- Tues July 29 -- On!


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It's a beeeautiful day, so let's get out on Mystic for some paddling practice. All skill levels welcome.

Official launch time is 5:30 PM, but come earlier or later -- when you can. We launch from the ramp off the parking lot between the lakes (http://tinyurl.com/5plz6f).

One note -- Sandy Beach (at the north end of Upper Mystic) is posted this morning because of the recent rain. With all the sun yesterday and today, and the ultra-conservative nature of those postings, I'm not worried about our practice area in the middle and south end of the lake. However, if it concerns you, you can skip getting wet, and work mainly on strokes and other in-the-boat skills.


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Hi David,

Despite our telcon this morning, i think I'll pass on today, and await the cardiologist's word Friday before committing to paddling.

Best to Deb, and our sympathies.


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