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Tuck's Point to Peaches


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Three of us headed out of Manchester Harbor heading south around House Isl. past Baker's Isl. and arrived at the Dry Breakers to see the seals. Only two were spotted, perhaps the rest were hiding out after reports of great white sharks in the neighborhood. We then travelled east to Children's Isl. No landing in the cove, camp was in session and children were there swimming. Then off to Doliber Cove for lunch. I rolled once in the outer cove in water warm enough to be less than bracing. Felt like 70. From there we made a straight crossing to the Miseries. I was feeling a little tired at this point trying to keep up with Phil and Leon. What's a better way to test your roll then when exhausted? No problem. Survival trumps fatigue easily. Back to Tuck's in under four hours, 12.75 mi. and an average paddle speed of 3.0K. The sea was choppy and interesting going out and the ride to Children's was helped a bit by moderate following seas. On the way back however the wind pretty much died down and the sea state was relatively calm.


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