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Trouble posting...(Bill? Jason?)


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THREE times I have signed-in and still my post is not accepted -- any suggestions? It is now getting to be somewhat frustrating. I have posted this morning on <one> thread, then I try to post on another and cannot get it accepted...

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THREE times I have signed-in and still my post is not accepted -- any suggestions? It is now getting to be somewhat frustrating. I have posted this morning on <one> thread, then I try to post on another and cannot get it accepted...

I am sorry that your frustrated but you have some odd ISP issue going on and should give them a call and ask them why they are switching your IP every few minutes.

Today you have used 3 different IP's to login to NSPN in less than an hour today. I can send you the page(s) listing all of the IP address that you have logged in under if that helps.

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Just to elaborate on Jason's observation. The software we use keeps track of your IP address as part of it's security features. If your IP does not change, and you have selected to "Remember Me", it will automatically log you in. However if your IP changes, you will have to manually log in. In your case with your ISP changing your IP so unusually frequently it's causing you these problems. Who is your service provider and what type of connection do you use?

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