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Forest River Practice Session is On!


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Oh yes,

Krisbee will be returning to Forest River at tomorrow's practice session.

The official tag line is "practice your boat manuevering skills while playing a fun game of frisbee!"

The real game is "crash your expensive boat into other peoples expensive boats while wildly chasing after a stupid frisbee"

If anyone can top me on rolling up while on the bow of another boat - I'll give you 5 bucks :)

Hoppy I hope you come out!!! I seem to remember you ramming into my ribs last year though :)

Plus Shaila's birthday was last weekend so if anyone wants to bring her presents she'll be there.

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Plus Shaila's birthday was last weekend so if anyone wants to bring her presents she'll be there.

Wow. Whatever did I do to deserve this kind of positive publicity? Oh, I know... Gillian is just adding a little insurance for her piece of Ben and Jerry's Icecream cake that is in my freezer. Well, flattery will get you everywhere! Maybe if you get someone to bring me a present Friday I will throw in a tasty beer as bonus pay.

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Wow. Whatever did I do to deserve this kind of positive publicity? Oh, I know... Gillian is just adding a little insurance for her piece of Ben and Jerry's Icecream cake that is in my freezer. Well, flattery will get you everywhere! Maybe if you get someone to bring me a present Friday I will throw in a tasty beer as bonus pay.

Happy belated B'day Shaila.

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