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NOAA charts overlaid on Google Maps

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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jun 25 2008, 05:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not sure if anyone else saw this, but kind of neat:


"kind of neat"?!?! Kevin, you are a master of understatement.

I can feel my investment in MapTech chart software evaporating into a puff of fog. Well, MapTech will still be good for routes, A2B's, and so on, and still has the nice integrated tide and current stations (all current stations). But heck, I can still use Reeds and Eldridge, can't I. But for printing charts to take on board, I think you've found me a true love. Good work!


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Anybody had luck printing the charts? All I get is a blank page?

And on a related note, you can also get a plug-in that provides all the US nautical info for goggle earth at:


It requires a free registration, but otherwise seems to work pretty well. I have no relationship with the company.


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Anybody had luck printing the charts? All I get is a blank page?

And on a related note, you can also get a plug-in that provides all the US nautical info for goggle earth at:


It requires a free registration, but otherwise seems to work pretty well. I have no relationship with the company.



I didn't have any trouble at all. I have not tried all browsers (don't even know if that is why you couldn't print), but I'm using the newest version of Firefox.

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I'm using Safari on the mac. To be fair, I tried to print to a PDF which is what didn't work. I'll try a real printer and report back.

Google Maps seems to lack a lot in printing, like the blue routes when you get directions (last time I tried that). You might try a screen capture utility, like SnagIt (which I highly recommend -- worth the $50, imho, as I use it all the time; but there are free ones).


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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jun 30 2008, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I use Firefox on a Mac and have now tried Safari as well...both have worked.

Weird, cause I tried printing from both Safari and Firefox to an Okidata 3200. Safari gave me nothing and Firefox gave me the page URL in black but nothing else.


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Weird, cause I tried printing from both Safari and Firefox to an Okidata 3200. Safari gave me nothing and Firefox gave me the page URL in black but nothing else.



The Mac OS comes with a utility known as Grab (Applications/Utilities). It will grab any window and save it as a tiff file. See attachment for example. You should be able to print it even if you can't print the screen right from the browser.


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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jun 30 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

The Mac OS comes with a utility known as Grab (Applications/Utilities). It will grab any window and save it as a tiff file. See attachment for example. You should be able to print it even if you can't print the screen right from the browser.

Thanks Kevin. Actually been using Grab all day to reimport some PDF files into a Powerpoint presentation for tomorrow. Still it's curious that the maps wont print on the system at my office. Then again, I've never actually tried printing normal google maps out of a web browser.


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"kind of neat"?!?! Kevin, you are a master of understatement.

I can feel my investment in MapTech chart software evaporating into a puff of fog. Well, MapTech will still be good for routes, A2B's, and so on, and still has the nice integrated tide and current stations (all current stations). But heck, I can still use Reeds and Eldridge, can't I. But for printing charts to take on board, I think you've found me a true love. Good work!



How are you printing them such that they remain waterproof? Do you use waterproof paper and ink? Lamination? Or do you have a really good chart case that keeps everything nice and dry?

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QUOTE(Kevin B @ Jul 1 2008, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

How are you printing them such that they remain waterproof? Do you use waterproof paper and ink? Lamination? Or do you have a really good chart case that keeps everything nice and dry?

I use an Ortlieb chart case, size XL..


http://www.ortliebusa.com/cartgenie/prodIn...id=47&cid=2 (D19 Chart Case)

I've found it to be the best all around, reasonably waterproof if you are careful (no chart case is perfect on that; but that's the point of printing rather than buying). I also have long-since laminated charts of the major area paddles, plus some waterproof charts for other places. I rarely laminate anymore, since it would be more of a one-shot deal. So I print from MapTech, trim and tape panels together, and put in the Ortlieb. (I've got the trim/tape operation down to a science.)


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