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Bob Burnett's Seattle friend and student moving to Cambridge

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Hi folks. My name is Alex. I live in Tacoma, just south of Seattle, and have been a friend and student of Bob's for about two years now. We call him BB out here, for Boston Bob.

So, I'm moving to Cambridge from mid-Aug to the end of May 2009 for a fellowship at two of your fine institutions of higher learning.

Two things--where can I store my Tempest 170 in Cambridge? Also, do any of you folks have an apartment (studio or one bedroom) to rent, or know of one?

Great paddling out here--We just spent the weekend in the San Juan island area off of Bellingham, WA.

Thanks for any suggestions.

I look forward to paddling with you folks.



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Welcome to these pages, Tacomakayaker; but to announce yourself as "friend and student of BB" might not necessarily be a Good Thing...? For one thing, we don't remember him (it's been so long); for another, didn't he eschew the BCU system (so he <can't> be any good!); for yet another reason, he got me into deep sh*t many years ago (getting me into this whole, damned mess) and I have never been able to recover -- bloody sea kayaks coming out of my ears! Not to mention all the equipment and paraphenalia (apparently) that goes along with those boats!

If we are to use initials, then I'd have to say that BB would stand for Big Bob? I mean: we wanted to economize and give the blighter a Romany; but -- oh, no -- Himself had to have the bigger, more expensive Explorer! (Cost us each an arm and a leg, I can tell you! As I say, I'm still suffering)

There are rumours here of late that Himself is also due to visit us in the near future: I can only tell you that we'll do our best to drown him.

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Oh Christopher, stop whining. Look at all the woman you've met kayaking. Besides, You've now got Alex to abuse for a bit in my place. He's one of my wonder boys that needs a good beating from time to time to keep him grounded. You know, big headed.

Alex's experience ranges from narly 8-10 ft surf to 8+ knot currents and has strong command of strokes and braces and a scabbard of rolls. He does have a problem staying upright though. His attention tends to be draw to the bottom to look at sea life. He should have taken up diving. He's the only person I know that paddles with a dive mask on his head. Just weird I say.

And Christopher, the person you should be blaming is Joel. He's the guy that sold you all that shit. Well, I did sell you the Rip under alcohol induced conditions, but that another story altogether.


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Stoehrer-san, I shall, indeed, be working Saturday. However, that Saturday 21st I shall be taking a day-off to work for Suzanne (in Connecticut). I shall be looking forwards to kayaking with our venerable Founder on the Sunday (I presume he is not a one-day wonder and that he won't cry off a second day of strenuous activity -- never sure with these old guys).

I am always eager to paddle any Sunday, mind you -- ideas?

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Stoehrer-san, I shall, indeed, be working Saturday. However, that Saturday 21st I shall be taking a day-off to work for Suzanne (in Connecticut). I shall be looking forwards to kayaking with our venerable Founder on the Sunday (I presume he is not a one-day wonder and that he won't cry off a second day of strenuous activity -- never sure with these old guys).

I am always eager to paddle any Sunday, mind you -- ideas?

i'm talking about THIS saturday/sunday....popham saturday?

i'm at pavillion on sunday morning

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I live in "Almost Cambridge" known locally as the happening Davis Square, Somerville area. I have often rented rooms to visiting Fellows from MIT and Harvard. But, alas, not renting rooms due to sabbatical year. My suggestion is go to Harvard or MIT Housing websites. The listings tend to be choice, varied and cheaper than housing offered on campus. If you need any more information on places, costs and choices, email me at lbeale at splfdcoldotedu. Best of luck, les

Which fine institutions of higher learning in Cambridge? A few denizens of those places even sea kayak, or so I've been told.
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