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Volunteers needed for Solistice Paddle L2+ Trip

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As it stands now, for the Solistice Paddle and Party event, there is a group planning the day's L2 CAM "beginner" paddling Trip and another is planning a L3/3+ CAM trip both leaving from Riverhead Beach in Marblehead, Sunday, June 22nd... (for more info about the event, click calendar)

It would be great to have another transitional option. So we are looking for a group of paddlers interested in working together to plan & initiate a L2+ paddling trip for the solistice paddle. For example, last year the L2+ went to Salem Willows & back, but of course you could come up with you're own idea.

Please contact me if you would be interested in cooking up a third option for this day heidi@nspn.org

Thanks so much!

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I have a handful of people who are interested, but unsure of their family plans that weekend, therefore can only commit to a "maybe" so far. If there's someone who's inspired to propose a floatplan & be the registrar to determine interest, I may have some additional assistants available to help.

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