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POLL: Mystic Lakes Sessions...Best Day?

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We're organizing the Mystic Lakes Practice Sessions for this year, but because of possible redundancy for paddlers living closer to sessions in NH also on Tuesdays, I've been asked to see if another day might be preferable.

As there are sessions also scheduled on Wednesdays and Fridays, it seems that best options are Mondays or Thursdays...or of course retaining the current Tuesdays, as the NH sessions are far enough north to not be in much conflict, considering part of our aim is to attract newer paddlers, many of which may be closer to Boston.

My personal preference is to retain Tuesdays, but I'm amenable to facilitating these Sessions on Monday or Thursday as well.


I thought about just broadcasting ALL three days and let eventual attendance numbers provoke a natural decision, but I can't promise to be around more than twice each week.



PS Could someone post a better map than the mapquest one I left on the Private Trips thread?

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There will be Thursday sessions starting at Chebacco Lake in Wenham soon. My thoughts are that Mystic and Great Pond in Kingston, NH are far enough away from each other that there would be little if any redundancy. My 2 cents.

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There will be Thursday sessions starting at Chebacco Lake in Wenham soon. My thoughts are that Mystic and Great Pond in Kingston, NH are far enough away from each other that there would be little if any redundancy. My 2 cents.

OK...So it's MONDAY and/or TUESDAY for the balloting.


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OK...So it's MONDAY and/or TUESDAY for the balloting.


Monday's best for me. Mystic (close to work) , Great Pond (close to home) and Chebacco (kind of halfway) are all a toss-up for me, so Monday would eliminate the need to choose, and result in more more day of skills sessions on the calendar. In any event, it looks like a good season coming up for getting wet after work!

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Pete and Emil et al,

I'll probably on the Mystic today (Monday) as well Tuesday.

Pete, if you've NOT taken a kayak to work I'll be bringing both my F5 and Cetus so you'll have one to paddle if you show up today.

See ya.


781 483-3922

Tommy et al,

I'll see ya Tuesday.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm wondering, we doing a session Monday or Tuesday night?



I'll try to be there BOTH Monday and Tuesday by 5PM.

See ya.


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Thanks, I'm planning on Tuesday night. Just look for the Blue Volvo Cross Country wagon with a blue over white Kajak Sports kayak

I didn't think I'd be able to make it this week, but my plans have changed. I'll be there Tuesday after all.

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Looking forward to Mystic sessions. Monday or Tuesday is OK with me. When the decision has been made, I recommend posting on the calendar so folks can plan ahead (including me!)


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I will NOT be able to attend the Mystic Skills this Tuesday (June 10) as I'll be giving a pianna recital. See ya next week.


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Hi Folks,

Was a decision made about the Mystic Lake sessions? I am looking forward to attending some of these. Will not be able to attend today because of possible T-storms.


I still plan to go to these on Tuesdays, but not today. My brother just offered me a ticket to the Celtics game instead.

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