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New 4* Award


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Actually there has been an amount of discussion on Wet Planet:



et al

The 4* is now a "Leadership Award."

An aspect not written in the syllabus but apparently conveyed by the BCU spokesperson at SKG was the requirement of 'British conditions' which includes rocks. Not too much of an issue for those of us in the Northeast, but maybe difficult for some of the Southern BCU centers.

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Actually there has been an amount of discussion on Wet Planet:



et al

The 4* is now a "Leadership Award."

An aspect not written in the syllabus but apparently conveyed by the BCU spokesperson at SKG was the requirement of 'British conditions' which includes rocks. Not too much of an issue for those of us in the Northeast, but maybe difficult for some of the Southern BCU centers.

Take a look at the doc that John post the link to, it's written.

Page #2.

Assessment Venue.

The conditions for the assessment must include:

Tidal areas.

Periods of no less than Sea state 4 (or tidal flow creating similar conditions).

A rocky coastline with available landings at least every 1-2 miles and areas where it is not easy to land.

Launching and landing through small surf, less that 1 metre.

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Sorry to have missed that -- it wasn't in the earlier description. I should have reread before posting. My apologies.

There had also been some question as to whether the North American versions would be identical. It now seems as if they will be.

As of this morning the BCUNA site does not have new sylabi loaded for North America.

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