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Raffel Donations for Tomorrow's Party!


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We'd like to take a moment to thank Kayak Waveology (Greg), Kokatat (Suz), and Kittery Trading Post for donating raffel give aways for tomorrow's party!!!! I won't reveal what they are but they're all great! Thanks again everyone for the generous donations!!!

NSPN also has 3 rocking raffel prizes that we've added as well, so it's going to be an early Christmas for some of us!

For those who haven't come to the Holiday Party in the past, raffel tickets are handed out when you come into the Barn and we do the drawing a little later in the evening.

See you guys tomorrow!


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These are awesome prizes this year!!! (aha...insider info cuz I'm helping set up!!! Heh Heh...)

Hope to see you all there tonight!!! It's going to be fun!


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