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December 7th Annual Holiday Party and General Meeting


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Just a quick reminder - don't forget to check the calendar for further details about this year's Holiday Party and General Meeting!

This year we're going to be adding some fun trivia contests in addition to the 10th anniversary tee shirt contest and to the raffel, so come prepared with your paddling knowledge! We're also changing the format a bit so there are going to be less give aways from the raffel, but they're going to be great!

For those who haven't previously attended the NSPN Holiday Party, it's an amazing event, pot luck style, with some of the best food I've ever had (Billy's pulled pork is second to none! :notWorthy::notWorthy: ).

NSPN provides the location, all the decorations, ice, sodas, plates, forks, etc, you just bring your favorite dish and your favorite adult beverage. If you bring Scotch (Peter) you have to share with me! :)

If anyone has an embarrassing photo of a member they'd like to share for the slideshow that we'll have running, please submit your photo to Suwin at suwin@earthlink.net

Hope to see you all there this year!


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This year we're going to be adding some fun trivia contests in addition to the 10th anniversary tee shirt contest


Tee shirt contest? I'm just moving from wetsuit to drysuit season, so is this still a wet t-shirt contest or...nevermind.

See ya (in a manner of speaking) there.

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