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End of the Year Awards-Founders and Paddler of the Year

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Each year NSPN presents two awards to recognize those who have contributed the most over the past year to the Club. It's now time to nominate those who you think most deserve to be recognized.

Founders Award:

"The Founders Award is given to the person deemed by the members of the club to have done the most to keep the NSPN spirit alive by giving of themselves to better the club, in ways that may not always be visible."

Any member can nominate and the selection is made by the Board of Directors.

Please send your nominations to paula@nspn.org. Please include the name of the member along with your reasons for nominating him or her for this award.

Paddler of the Year Award:

"The Paddler of the Year award is given to the person who made the greatest contributions to benefit the club’s membership."

Any member can nominate and the selection is made by the President.

Please send your nominations to jason@nspn.org. Please include the name of the member along with your reasons for nominating him or her for this award.

Deadline for submission is 11/30/07. The awards will be presented at the 2007 NSPN Christmas Party on December 7th!

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I'm curious what happened to the Traverso Award.

For new members, it has been given for many years to the most improved NSPN member. It was named for Jim Traverso, a club member who lost his life leading a white water trip in Nepal in 1999.

See http://www.nols.edu/alumni/leader/00winter..._00winter.shtml for Jim's biography.

See http://www.nspn.org/forum/index.php?showto...amp;hl=traverso for Traverso Award mention from last year.


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According to the "Hall of Fame" on our website, the trip leaders nominate and select the recipient of the Traverso Award. It will still be awarded this year.


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Friendly reminder to keep the post up on the mesage board:

These awards will be presented at the fast approaching Holiday Party. Please email your nominations before next Friday! (Nov. 30th)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Friendly reminder to keep the post up on the mesage board:

These awards will be presented at the fast approaching Holiday Party. Please email your nominations before next Friday! (Nov. 30th)

Time is running out :waterski:

If you want to nominate someone, you need to do it by 11:59pm on Friday! :cheer:

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