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Regarding my controversial comments of a week ago


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NSPN members,

I should probably "let sleeping dogs lie"

But I am a firm believer that people can clear up allot of things by constructive dialogue.

I truly regret that I caused such a firestorm with my comments the other day.

It was in bad taste. That is not who I am.

I know that even though the post and all the varius statements that were made are gone from this message board the anger and ill feelings remain.

I am hoping to have fun, grow in skill and make friends with you all who enjoy this sport so much.

I hope we can put this behind us.

If that is not possible well then this can be my final post in here and my final contact with NSPN.

I will supply my e mail here and of course your comments can be in this open forum.




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I would encourage you to continue to read and post on this board. I personally don't subscribe to the policy of keeping people off the board unless they repeatedly transgress. I can assure that you are not the first, nor the worst, transgressor in the history of the club.

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I would encourage you to continue to read and post on this board. I personally don't subscribe to the policy of keeping people off the board unless they repeatedly transgress. I can assure that you are not the first, nor the worst, transgressor in the history of the club.


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