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Flares - group buy!!!


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Hi all,

With the new season coming up on us quickly, it's probably a good time to start thinking about replacing your old, soggy safety flares (or maybe even getting some). I hate buying flares - at $7 per, it just doesn't feel right.

so, in the spirit of networking....

I have talked with NESC and they are willing to work with us to help get us a break if we get enough interest (more than 5). I can't imagine that there will not be well more than that. So here it is - is anyone interested in participating in a group buy on safety flares AND going through a local outfitter for us to get the break? I'll handle the logistics.

Once I get a sample of interest, we will be able to get an idea on the cost break.

If you're interested please post here or email me at shane.smith@2paddles.com.


"Would a knife help protect you against a ‘curious’ shark? I don’t know but I would like the option." - Trevor Gardner

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Shane, count me in for sure on a buy for flares. I'll need a packet of the rocket flares and a packet of the handhelds.

For what it's worth, it's best to have a packet of each: the rockets to send up a long-floating distress signal, the handhelds (like the type state cops used to mark traffic accidents) as a beacon for rescue personnel once they have a general bead on you.

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Does anyone know what to do with expired flares?

(This is meant both as a serious question and as yet another poke at those that know who they are.)

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Great article on signaling:


The following launcher and flares are part of the official inventory in all US Coast Guard rescue vests.



The first link is for a 3 pack of flares in a small waterproof tube.

**Pro: very small size, waterproof case, will fit in your PFD.

**Con: IMHO, because the rockets and launcher are very small you must be very careful when you open the waterproof tube. It's almost like playing with marbles. If you're wearing gloves, it is difficult to work with the contents.

The Coast Guard (second link) version contains 8 flares in a bandoleer that has a secure storage slot for the launcher. It's a tight, very compact package

**Pro: The bandoleer and the launcher can be tethered together.

Easy to operate with gloves.

**Con (minor): No waterproof case. A heavy duty ZIP type plastic bag or sealing the kit in an airtight food sealer bag would be a good idea.



I personally prefer the larger model because it is not possible to tether the contents of the small (3 flare) package.

NESC should have access to both models.

Hopefully the above information is helpful.

Richard N

Living to learn.

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There's even a "special" celebration up on Bailey Island, Maine...ummm...maybe I shouldn't bring that up.

Another (legal) alternative is to contact the Coast Guard. They will definitely accept them, but they may also be willing to do a demo and allow us to shoot them off. I attended one such demo up in Maine and it was a blast! The CG officer showed up with several boxes of the "real stuff" (expired pyrotechnics from large vessels) and we spent an hour or so play...er...make that TESTING meteor flares, parachute flares, handheld flares, smokes and our own puny flares. Yeah, lots and lots of TESTING. If nothing else, it showed that the stuff we carry is reliable, but it falls into the "better than nothing" category compared to the "real deal".

Perhaps the unit we did the radar test with would be willing to work with us on this?

If Peter Logan is reading this, wipe the drool off your chin! ;-)

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>For what it's worth, it's best to have a packet of each: the

>rockets to send up a long-floating distress signal, the

>handhelds (like the type state cops used to mark traffic

>accidents) as a beacon for rescue personnel once they have a

>general bead on you.

For us non-leader serious types...is there a general consensus that this would be a sensible set of flares for us? Or, should we carry fewer flares and more beers for the leaders?


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Hi All,

There seems to be a lot of interest in this purchase, so I think it's safe to say that we will definitely do this. By email and these posts, we have somewhere in the range of 15-20 people comitted to participating in only about 2 days.

I will get back in touch with NESC and get some options and details. There is interest in both handheld and rocket flares, so lets see what they can provide for us.

The Smith clan will be out of town until the end of February, so expect a lack of communication from me until then, but again - we're on & we'll do this.

At the end of Feb, I'll confirm the final list by looking at this message thread and then I'll work the details of the purchase off the message board through an email list (costs, models/types, payments, pick-up, and order preference).

Great thanks!


"Would a knife help protect you against a ‘curious’ shark? I don’t know but I would like the option." - Trevor Gardner

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This is a pretty good comparison chart from West Marine's website for different types of flares . For instance, compare the visibility you would generate with one of the typical $7 handhelds (#2 in chart) to the XLT Skyblazer that was recommended in the article that Richard linked for us (#3 in chart). Sure the #2 handheld will burn longer, but so what if nobody is going to see it. I'll take the Skyblazers for a buck more a pop, please.


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