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Bar Harbor Symposium


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Matt and I went up to Bar Harbor for the symposium for the first time... Our trip on the CAT was rained out, but thanks to all of our fellow member's recomendations, I took in a class on Bracing, and we joined many other members at the BBQ and Lobsterbake. Also, Matt brought his serious camera equipment and I brought a regular hand held digital, so we got great pics of several of the classes that were going on! This small taste of what this symposium has to offer left us excited to participate in more "Maine-events" for next year!!! --BOTH of us! ;)

In the gallery there is a new album featuring pics (link below) that I was able to take with the regular digital... (including: a group of instructors having breakfast at Café this Way, The Lobsterbake, BBQ and Monday's Tidal Class which Rob Hazard and John Huth participated in). My only regret was that I wasn't quick enough to snap a pic of the large seal that visited the Tidal class!

Stay tuned for the much BETTER pics Matt was able to take with his camera and zoom lense! He captured a standing-in-your-boat-race, a greenland rolling class, and WAY better, zoomed in photos of the intense part of the Tidal falls class! It'll just take us a little while to share them because they still need to be developed....Enjoy!


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Here are some of the photos Celia and I took at the Symposium:


A wonderful event, good to see and meet many NSPN folk. I also greatly enjoyed meeting the paddlers from the West Coast who attended this year.

I am already looking forward to next year's...

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Thanks for posting those photos. It was great to see so many NSPN'ers out there. I paddled with some every day. And, boy, did I learn a ton. I have a whole page of notes on new things I picked up - or how to do old things better.

Sullivan Falls was great fun - I only wish I could've stayed longer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whew! OK here are the photos Matt took. The photos are of the Tidal Currents Class run on the 10th, and the Lobsterbake and multiple classes on Long Pond on the 8th. The weather was rainy and/or overcast which accounts for the grainy-ness of some of the T.C. class shots. Next year we'll definately plan to shoot this class on a bright day! :) Enjoy!


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