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To Lisa & Jim

Wayne Smith

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Lisa & Jim,

I'm sorry to see that you both decided to resign in mid-term, but from what you both said, it's for the best if it makes your lives happier. This is supposed to be fun, so if it wasn't anymore, you both made the right decision, sad as it may seem at the moment.

It's not an easy thing running an active club, as I well know. There's a lot of planning, administrative work, and such to take up your time. And, everyone wants to have a moment of your time, too. Your involvement doesn't end at the club level: I've been asked to write newspaper articles, participate as a representative of the paddling community in government and planning agency panels, testify before the Connecticut legislature, give presentations to other clubs, represent ConnYak at outfitters events, and also work with the ACA on various issues. All of this on top of running a 400 member club with only a 5 member board, and also having a life outside it all. It can overwhelm you at times.

It is demanding of time & personal resources, but there are also rewards to doing the job: You help coordinate activities for people that are their escape from the everyday world, you help them learn new skills, and you learn a few things yourself. You are helping people enjoy life. You also make a few new friends along the way. You get to meet and hang out with luminaries in the kayaking world, and participate in events that you may have only read about beforehand. It's mostly intangibles that you get in return for your efforts, but they are worth it.

You need ambition, vision, a sense of humor, and sometimes a thick skin in order to survive in a leadership position. That you did that and accomplished 8 of 10 goals in one year is a great accomplishment. Feel proud of that, because you've earned it.

Best wishes to you both, and good paddling!

Wayne Smith

President, ConnYak

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