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Marblehead to Swamscott - Sunday 9/2


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When: Sunday, September 2.

Where: Riverhead/Deveraux to Swampscot, probable rounding of Marblehead Neck on way out or back, maybe Nahant but not getting good recommendations on that portion. Route decision made at put-in.

Timing: Launch at 9:30 AM. Low Tide is 9:25 AM and High Tide is 3:36 PM so we should be able to lunch at Kings Beach/Red Rock Bistro/PoPo's Hot Dogs (though the water does come up quickly there with the long flat beach.)

Put-in: Riverhead (Marblehead). Which side to put-in will be decided by group. http://www.nspn.org/put_ins.htm

Level: Level 3. Distance 12-15 with open ocean. You should feel comfortable with the distance, have an ocean kayak, and basic wet-exit and self-rescue skills. See the following for some possible routes:



The other stuff:

Trip is on since there are three confirmed paddlers. We have not done the part from Deveraux to Kings Beach although I know Kings Beach well...so let's explore.

Bring lunch/snacks (money if you plan to buy lunch), plenty of water, sunscreen, etc.

This is a private trip so show-and-go rules apply. Make sure you check here Sunday morning in case of changes.

Posting of interest here is always appreciated.


Al Coons

Cetus - Red/White

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Just checked on opening times of RedRock Bistro Takeout (10:30) and Popo's Hot Dogs (noon) so depending on the route (if we go direct) Popo's may not be open. Either way, I am going to bring enough food to get by no matter what we do. By the way, RedRock has Richardson's icecream, but then my stomach is not great when paddling on too much food. Maybe a PPS (post-paddle-snack). We are exploring!


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Ok. I'm in. Paddling the fragrant Lynn coastline isn't my favorite, but the

weather is too good to pass up.

See you in the morning.


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