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Thank you Lisa and Jim


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In my response to Jim's resignation, I was so angry that I forgot to thank him for his efforts on our behalf. Now with Lisa's departure, I am only saddened. Lisa, Jim, thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of the members of NSPN. Having given so unselfishly of your time to keep our paddling home and family growing and active can only be highly commended. Thank you, thank you, thank you, a thousand times over. I hope that paddling with NSPN for you two becomes fun again.

Now dawns a new day in NSPN's life. Time for the voices of critisism to stand up and put forth their efforts towards changing the things they feel needs changing. Get out there and make a difference, but keep one thing in mind...it's all about our members and their needs.

Let's get back to the basics,


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