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I would really like to go to a pool session and learn from some of you out there. My kayak is a 9 ft old town rec boat- is this a suitable boat for this activity?

Any comments or advice is greatly appreciated.

thank you


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Ocean boats twice the length of yours are routinely welcomed at pool sessions. The shorter the boat, the easier it will be to carry it in and to navigate the space available. Some bring surfing or white water boats to pool sessions for this reason.

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Carol: Think about what you want to work on in the pool in advance of the session. What you are likely to see at a pool session is a lot of folks practicing rolls, fancy sculling, and stuff that you aren't likely to try in a 9' rec boat (do you have a sprayskirt?). There usually isn't room to practice too many of your strokes or get the boat moving very much. I would venture that the best things to work on in your boat in the pool would be braces and maybe assisted rescues. (Self-rescues if its feasible with your boat.) Draw strokes and sweeps if you have room (here the smaller boat will be an advantage.) Also, if you haven't already been in longer, tippier boats, see if you can get somebody to let you try a sea kayak in these controlled circumstances. It's going to feel so much different, that the safety of a pool session is a great way to explore new boats.

Have fun!


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Since you joined NSPN, I am assuming that you will be getting a touring boat soon to add on to your rec boat. If you come to the Chinatown pool sessions, I keep plastic Mystic (small touring boat) in basement as a backup for (medium to small) folks to use. If you're 5'8" or so and under, you would fit. You can begin to learn wet exits and self and assisted rescues.


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Carol - Sometimes I can not see the replies either. When that happens, I close my browser down and re-open it and then they show. I don't know why it happens but know that a new browser fixes it.

Give a pool session a try - I think that you will enjoy meeting people, talking to them about their boats and trying out other's boats too.


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thank you all for the suggestions - yup closing the browser and reopening did it.

I am going to check out a session, I guess you can all tell Im a bit nervous, thank you for easing my nerves.

Yes I will be looking for a more seaworthy kayak- I actually already started to look and compare. Trying them Im sure is what will really be the best thing for me to do.

Looking forward to meeting and learning from all of you - thanks :)


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Carol, Pool sessions are open to all sorts of boats, but it is the boat operator we care about. I’m not so concerned if your boat sinks, I am concerned if you sink, or can’t get back in the boat of your choice. Pool sessions are for people to come and try new things in a safe atmosphere. Find out what it is you need to learn and practice it. I wish more rec boat owners would come and find out more about the crafts they use. It is also a good time to try someone else’s boat, if they are willing, and most everyone is very generous with advice and sharing. You can learn what it takes for you to reenter your boat, if the need arises, and what it takes to clear the water from it, and what floatation is needed for it. Learn about your particular boat, and practice what will make you more safe. Come join us.

Rick Crangle

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