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membership benefits?


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I've been waiting for my ACA membership to expire before I join NSPN. As I understand it, by joining, I automatically become an ACA member and still get a free subscription to Paddler Magazine.

The reason I ask is that NSPN membership is a mere $25 while ACA is $30. Something doesn't sound quite right. Am I missing something?

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The board of NSPN voted to keep membership static for now, we hope to balance the cost by selling hats, stickers, and the profit from Professional classes the club offers. You are correct you will receive paddler magazine as part of your subscription. The membership card comes from the ACA and has ACA/NSPN on the card. We offer one, two and three year memberships.

Jim B

Thought for the day: Never be afraid to try something

new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the


P & H Orion

Yellow over White


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Yes, you are correct. NSPN is an ACA Paddle America Club, so when you join NSPN you are an ACA member too.

I didn't realize that we're actually cheaper than the ACA. The ACA went up on their rates last year and we (NSPN - the Board) decided not to raise the membership fee. We figured that we could make up for the increase through hat sales, sticker sales, etc...

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This year is the first year that the ACA has raised its rates in 25 years. NSPN is a Paddle America Club Affiliate and the rate was raised $5.00. This year NSPN is charged $20.00 for an individual and $25.00 for a family as a member of Paddle America.

The current dues structure was formally set up by the ACA and (for NSPN) the Membership Committee Chair Jed Luby. When he took over those duties four years ago the membership was in disarray and the paper work was delivered to him in a large cardboard box of unprocessed applications, waivers and checks. The processing time and work was orchestrated by Jed. A few members spent their time and in a month or so it was turned over to Jay and Monica McGillicuddy who have been keeping track of the membership for us. The McGillicuddy’s obviously have more skills at organization than the rest of us would like to admit. Most of the credit should go to Jed and the McGillicuddy’s for their fine job and continued service on this.

So, if you join NSPN you do get an ACA membership with full benefits which includes the Paddler Mag and save $5.00. You also get to paddle with the best people along the New England Coast. The NSPN Club Offerings are great and as an added benefit you get to participate, if you like, in the way the club runs. We might act like brothers and sisters but we are all friends.

The NSPN has about 500 members, the best Web Site, many committees, a Leadership group of nearly 50 individuals who try to keep things in order on the water and other leaders that develop and deliver workshops both on and off the water of importance to the membership. We have a community outreach that works with local YMCA’s with their outdoor paddling programs and with Outdoor Explorations an organization that provides inclusive programs to persons with disabilities and their families.

So you get all this and you won’t miss anything for $25.00. Such a deal, you would not believe.

All of us are continuing to develop a future for NSPN in our own community along the New England Coast.

The future is bright. The sun is rising on a new trip. The float Plan has been filed and our friends, our members are ready.

So put in with us and enjoy the paddle.

Buddy Hogan

NSPN Board Member

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The cost of a one year membership to NSPN is $25 the family membership is $40.00. Not sure where Mr. Hogan got his numbers.

Jim B

Thought for the day: Never be afraid to try something

new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the


P & H Orion

Yellow over White


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>The future is bright. The sun is rising on a new trip. The

>float Plan has been filed and our friends, our members are



>Buddy Hogan

>NSPN Board Member

Jeez, Buddy! from where I am,(Plymouth) the future is dark(ness), the sun has set; the water is very hard and HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!

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Besides Jed, Jay and Monica, I think Cathy Foley also deserves a lot of credit sorting out membership snafus and generally expediting memberships. There may well be other unsung members working behind the scenes on membership. Let's hear about them!


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Although I was talking about a few years ago when mentioning Jed, Jay and Monica, you are absolutely right. Cathy Foley has truly kept us all on the water by managing members in process. Everyone who was issued an “NSPN Temporary Membership Card” to attend an event, it was Cathy that worked to keep them on the water until their membership card arrived from the ACA.

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Checking my figures for 2004 ACA Membership:

ACA Memberships

Individual ($30.00)

Family* ($45.00)

Sustaining** ($50.00)

Life ($500.00)

Paddle America Memberships

Must be a member of an ACA Paddle America Club to qualify for this membership.

Paddle America Member - Individual ($20.00)

Paddle America Member - Family* ($25.00)

* Family membership includes 2 Adults and any Children under 18 years old in a household.

** Sustaining membership includes all of the benefits of regular ACA membership plus a $10.00 donation to the ACA

For 2004 the $5.00 for an Individual and the $15.00 for a Family* is the NSPN dues the club retains for all of its offerings.

Buddy Hogan

Your Friendly ACA Representative

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Ah! Peter,

Well, “HELL HAS FROZEN OVER” here in New Hampshire this week. It’s as cold as an Artic Paddler’s bottom with a leaky spray deck.

If you mean the current controversy on the message board I have an opinion on that but first let me ask a few questions.

Where can you find such a diverse group of paddlers?

Where can you find a group of paddlers so dedicated to paddling they would promote safety and environmental concerns? Who would set up programs that would include every person that has an interest to participate and encourage their participation?

Where can you find a club that has an interest in helping local YMCA’s with youth programs?

Where can you find a club that has sponsored safety training for the staff of an organization that is dedicated to bring people with disabilities into the paddling community and also encourage its safety leaders from within its club to assist with all these outings for the safety of all.

Where do you find a club that will offer organized Leadership Training to all those who would participate for the express purpose of bringing safety to paddle trips of its members?

Where would you find a club that is so open it would express it feelings on important issues that are rising on an “open to the world” message board, individual opinions that form the mindset of how we deal with the health of the local paddling community, amateur and professional, private or public? No mater what your ability, there is a place for you in this club. Sometimes you have to work hard, sometimes no one will listen, sometimes you have to speak for those that have no voice and sometimes you don’t get it right. But where, who, when has anyone offered so much to everyone?

This place is hard to find. You can’t paddle to it. It is protected by a guard that cares for it so much they will risk personal ridicule, public embarrassment, being viewed as heavy handed, charged with not doing enough, charged with doing too much, to offer a place of safety to everyone on this epic paddle adventure of the NSPN.

If our members understand that some issues are bigger than one person or small group of people can decide, it is up to the membership to help. They have always helped in the past on trips, at outings, club parties but this is different. This has to deal with how fair we can be with our members, our membership and its dealings with the regional paddling community.

You can’t find this anywhere but the NSPN.

Your board members are struggling for the best route, the safest water to ensure its members are protected. Your accomplished leaders are voicing their advice openly for all to judge. Nowhere but NSPN will you find this. Nowhere!

I for one am proud of our board members, past and present, for their dedication and efforts. Bob Burnett’s vision, Chris Perkins developer of the first web site and Mike Sabin for keeping that site running. Lisa Santullo who put together a committee and new web site that is home for us now. Jed Luby for resurrecting a disorderly membership process from within a cardboard box into the crisp form we have today. Rick Crangle and Scott Camlin for the Leadership Program and all the leaders that helped make every trip a safe trip. As well as all the others that are dedicated in their own efforts that see to it our members, our community is healthy and safe. Nowhere but the NSPN has this happened so fast and it would not but for these people and the members who have supported their efforts.

The future is bright. The sun is rising on a new trip. The float Plan has been filed and our friends, our members are ready to continue to support the safety, environmental and community efforts we hold so dearly.

Help the NSPN board members with their decisions. We could use a hand right now.

Gee, Peter I hope I didn’t go on too long?

Buddy Hogan

Member NSPN

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Well, the deed is done. I've been checking this board for a long time, since the days of the show and go trips. My ACA membership has finally run out, so the check is in the mail! Maybe one day I'll actually get out on a trip with you folks! Matt

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